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Boyfriend ? Is this right? Confused.


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Moontiger thank you for the last link. After reading it i can say he has 95% of whats written as a part of his personality. Love makes you blind i guess


Once you know the signs you can spot this people pretty quickly. That's why just the few things in your first post set up such big red flags to me.

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Look I think it is not right ,if a person don't respect other women except you then there is not any gaurntee that he will remain good to you till last. I think you once talk to him and try to change his nature against other women. If he does so then you can simply move away.

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It really doesn't matter what we think, in the end it comes down to what you are willing to tolerate.

If you don't like the negative things you have stated in your post (which imo is a definite deal breaker for me as well) then I suggest you both go your separate ways.

I mean from what you said he acts like a kid with anger management problems and not very mature at all. How do you even communicate with him when you two are at a conflict? He cuzzes at you and you ignore him... Things aren't going to get solved that way I'm afraid.

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Well i haven't responded to the text or calls yet and wont until i figure out how to communicate to him about his behavior hurting me. I just want a healthy relationship with someone that respects me and truly loves me and i realize that if he really did he wouldn't treat me this way or at least try to get some help instead of blaming it on me. Ive been in 2 long term relationships before and i know it only gets worse by time....so there goes another one

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The fact people aren't perfect isn't an excuse for enduring abuse. Cut this one loose.


There are web sites for men and women who have herpes. And many support groups. I also know some people who have been in relationships with people with herpes. And it's worked fine. It will be challenging, but you won't be alone forever.

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