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Interviews are so draining!


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I had two rounds of interviews for my dream job over the span of a matter of days (interviewing with nearly a dozen people). At the end I found out that if I passed the second round, there would be a third. I feel like I spent so much time practicing, researching, preparing and I STILL don't feel like I gave the best answers to some of the most important questions. I just feel SO drained and am constantly questioning whether I'm ever going to get to the next phase in my career where I really want to be. I currently have a job that I'm fine with, but it's not my dream job. I am grateful to have a job though and I know that some people don't have that. I'm staying optimistic until I hear back (although that is hard to do because I keep thinking about the mistakes I made). Anyway, rant over! Feel free to share your experiences about going through the grueling interview process. The annoying part is that I KNOW I have the capability of interviewing well. I have obviously received job offers before but the past few I have tried for, I haven't gotten (although I haven't been as excited or wanted any of those as much as I want this one).

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Hey Lady00 sounds like you are going good with your interviews keep being positive and even when you make mistakes in interviews it shows your willingness to overcome and you have worked so hard for this dream job for far and you almost have it so you just have to do a little extra work and make sure that you get it. I've had plenty of times where I didn't even get an interview and feel you have enough experience or you do well but the person hiring is always looking for the best candiate and it's their job to find someone who will not only fit in with the company but they have a whole slew of things to worry about and comparing people is hard especially when they are so close. In today's economy be glad you have a job as it as I am greatful for my job and it allows me to support myself and buy the things I want. Just be willing to go that extra mile because if you don't someone else who is willing to will end up getting the job.

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The recruitment process for my career is BRUTAL. Months and months of testing, interviews, role playing, etc. It took about a year to complete all the prerequisites when I first was hired (quite a long time ago now!). But yes, after each step in the process I went home and crashed I was so exhausted! Being nervous alone was enough to totally deplete my energy, but then trying so hard to focus and not mess up also added to it.


I usually went home with a massive headache and in need of a drink, lol. We are our own worst critics when it comes to interviewing. I beat myself up for saying something one way when I could have said it another and on and on. The good thing is that interviewing is a skill so each time you go through it you learn more and more about how you behave and what things you need to work on.


Good luck!

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Wow, that sounds intense! I've honestly never heard of having to go through all of that in order to get a job. That's definitely a lot more grueling than anything I have ever gone through. I can't really imagine that, I don't think I could handle it.


I hate the post-interview anxiety. This job I interviewed for is one of those too good to be true opportunities, except it is true (yes, there are downsides but they are so far outweighed by the upsides, although I can see why some people would not want to work there due to the downsides like lower pay).

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Yeah I hate the whole interview process now. When I first entered the work world 12 years ago I went on one interview and was offered the job immediately or called by the end of the day with an offer. Managers often trusted their instincts and while sure you may pick a bad apple once in awhile that's pretty rare. Thankfully I've never been a bad apple. Now employers know there are tons of workers to choose from so they make you do multiple interviews, multiple skills tests, run full background checks, and do reference checks and you know what? I'm starting to think it is all a huge joke just to see how many hoops we're willing to jump through. I can't tell you how many times I've put up with this only to have the company turn around and say they won't be able to hire after all or they received so many good candidates that they are unable to choose or some other bs. I don't care how much competition there is I'm sick of being treated like I have all the time and resources in the world to waste. Like you OP, I'm currently working, but not in my dream job so I'm only applying for jobs that I would really want that would let me move forward along my desired path. Regardless, I'm now only willing to do 2 interviews and if they ask for a 3rd then I tell them I've been offered a position with a competitor. With my clean background, outstanding references, and 2 solid interviews if that isn't enough then they'll probably be the kind of employer that is never satisfied with anyones work and create a very stressful environment. I don't want to deal with that anyway.

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I used to find interviews stressful and I was somewhat nervous during each one until I changed my thinking to;


If I find a mere interview that difficult then perhaps I'm not fit/qualified for the job.


After I started thinking that way I was so confident during each and every interview that I sometimes almost thought I was the boss. I prepared less than before but answered questions better! Because interviewers are not stupid, they design questions to really put you off and force honest answers from you and you can't really study for it since every company is different. Sure you can study the overall theme/structure/purpose of general questions etc... But the real decisive questions won't be something you can just study/prepare for.

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I'm starting to think it is all a huge joke just to see how many hoops we're willing to jump through.


I agree to an extent. Employers want to see how you will react to inconvenience, how far you are willing to go, etc... It makes perfect sense. Interviewing is a test.

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I'm starting to think it is all a huge joke just to see how many hoops we're willing to jump through.


It is a huge joke. I believe the best thing is to start up your own company. Being judged by certain people gets tiresome. I have had great references from almost all my employers except an ugly and nasty boss. She left for another company but the damage she made remains. If you have your own business, you don't need to deal with jerks judging you.

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