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On BC pill, two 2 day periods in a row?


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I'm confused and am just looking to see if anyone else has experienced what I am. I'm 22 and I have been on the birth control pill (reclipsen) for over 5 years now. I'm in a long term relationship and have sex regularly. I've always gotten my period on the 3rd sugar pill, 4th at the latest. Last month I got it the end of the day on the 4th pill and it only lasted 2 days. My period has completely ended before I even started the new pack, but it was red, not pink or brown. During the following weeks I was feeling odd, anxious more then usual,(I have anxiety as it is) nauseous, tired, and just weird. I decided a little over a week ago to purchase an at home pregnancy test just to be safe. I took the test and it was negative. I did however drink a large coffee beforehand and it was mid day so I don't know if that could've caused a false negative. I convinced myself everything was fine but continued to feel weird symptoms. Yesterday, was the 5th sugar pill and I finally got my period. It's never been that late in 5 years. I had fairly heavy bleeding, again red. It's mid afternoon today (2nd day of my period) and I dont even need a tampon it's so light and clearly about to stop. Do I take another test? Are there other things that can cause this besides being pregnant? Thanks for any helps!

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You can take another test but I doubt you are pregnant . Now it wouldn't matter what time of day you took the test what you drink nothing. At two months the line would come up instantaneously. Take another test and settle your mind if it's negative you're not pregnant. More than likely it is your body reacting to stress.

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Thanks Victoria66, I was figuring with the periods it was unlikely I was pregnant, but wasn't sure why this would be happening. A friend of mine mentioned stress. It's just odd because I don't feel all that stressed. I've been extremely stressed at other times in the past 5 years but never had it effect my cycle. I'll take another test to ease my mind and hopefully next month I'll be regular...

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Birth control can do these things to you, especially if you have had a change in lifestyle. Keep in mind stress, lack of sleep, relationships, anything can effect your cycle.

It isn't uncommon for birth control to lessen your periods as well. If you're really concerned, talk to your doctor. It's possible the birth control is having some adverse effects and may need to be adjusted.

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