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How do you guys feel when you lose a pet?


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I know what you mean! When I was 10, our springer spaniel and our westie both died. About 3 or 4 months later, we got 2 puppies. You guessed it, a springer spaniel and a westie! I remember my mum, my granny and my auntie all having a big cry together when we got the puppies home! Being 10 at the time, I never really understood why they cried at that, but I of course now understand and shed a wee tear when I think back to that moment!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've spent the last two weeks at home (I hadn't been home since before my cat died, and this is the first long visit I've taken since my dog died) and it's strange. Obviously myself and my family are sad at the loss of the cat and the dog, but it's interesting to note that the other 2 cats seem to be affected too. These cats never seemed to like each other much, but since the other cat's (Magik) passing, they tolerate each other a lot more and will even snuggle together to sleep and share their food. And they've become much more affectionate with us too! I couldn't sit down to watch tv without both of them coming to snuggle. I think they miss their friends, and they notice I'm away a lot of the time so whenever I come back, I think they're relieved to see that I haven't passed like Magik and Scampi.


I'll never understand how people can think that animals don't have emotions.

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I remember when my dog Maximus died. One of the worst times ever. I was in denial for a long time because he was so young (2 years). I try not to think of him because whenever I do it makes me want to cry. He was just so loving. I tend to get more attached to animals than humans usually.

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When our first dog died I felt like the world had ended. My parents got her as a puppy when I was a baby, so for me she was always there, my four-legged sister. She lived to 14. I think it hit me harder than when my gran died (although I was quite a bit younger when that happened)


Our second dog died a few years ago and that was really hard too, possibly harder because that dog had really struggled through life. Picked up wandering the streets at about 5 years old, covered in scars, kidney trouble, joint trouble. The vet said that she might last a year or two, she carried on happily for something like 8 years. Such a happy dog, despite everything that had happened to her. I'm tearing up just thinking about her.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope and pray to god I never have to go through this. My cat is my baby and I don't know what I'd do without him! I love him way too much.


I know what you mean. My dogs and cats have always been my little buddies and when they go it's exactly like losing a close friend or family member, it really is.

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Another one of my dogs died last week. He was younger than most of my other pets (he was a Basset Hound and they don't last long) but although we didn't have him as long, that made him no less part of the family. His passing was so sudden, everyone at home has been feeling a bit down, even the other pets! He always shared his bed with one of the other dogs, and now that dog just lays on his bed all day, sighing. How people can think animals don't have emotions i'll never know.


By a coincidence, we got a tortoise not 2 days before his passing. While nothing could fill the hole that old Boomer left, it's nice to have a new little buddy around, especially one that's more than likely to outlast myself!

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My cat passed away a couple of days ago and it was just as hard as when my grandmother died three years ago (she's the only human close to me who has died). When my old cats died about ten years ago it was even WORSE since they had been with my parents since before I was born. I didn't know life without them.

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I was just on the phone to my mum to discuss arrangements for me going home, and she told me about the dog she has left, Brian. Now that his pal Boomer is gone (and buried in the back garden), Brian spends most of his time just sitting beside Boomers grave, staring at it. I find that both beautiful and heartbreaking. They are such loyal creatures.

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I was just on the phone to my mum to discuss arrangements for me going home, and she told me about the dog she has left, Brian. Now that his pal Boomer is gone (and buried in the back garden), Brian spends most of his time just sitting beside Boomers grave, staring at it. I find that both beautiful and heartbreaking. They are such loyal creatures.


Yeah, I had two cats when I was younger and when the one who died first was sick the other one sat above her on a stool and like, kept watch over her with concern. I found that endearing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My hand raised Cockatiel,Bobbie, was lost in a fly out at home today. I was at work, my 20 year old daughter was there, and was closing the garage door, he flew in to see her, freaked out (at the noise) and flew out of the closing garage door. Since I was at work, she didn't want to let me know, knowing I'd be upset. I just found out a couple of hours ago. Had a full fledged panic attack, have been outside looking, crying, calling him, whistling, made his favorite food, pancakes, took his HUGE steel cage outside (cutting myself in the process) and put his dinner on top of his cage



This is horrible. She looked all day, made fliers and put all over the neighborhood, went and talked to all the neighbors, notified a local vet and pet store.


It's the most helpless feeling. He has never been outside, doesn't know how to hunt for food, and is likely lost! I am just praying for a miracle that some kind soul will spot him, as he's so brightly colored, and talk to him, maybe he'll go to them, he's not scared of humans!


I'm just devastated.

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I was devastated when my 15 year old cat died a few years ago. I loved her dearly. I had a long time to "prepare" for her death (I put that in quotes because really, you're never totally prepared) because she had been diagnosed with cancer 18 months prior and her prognosis was maximum 2-4 months at the time. So, I had plenty of time to say goodbye, and I got lots of quality time with her before I finally had to have her put down, but...oh how heartbreaking it was. I still tear up when I think of her, and she's been gone for just about three years.


I was talking to someone about it one day, and I realized that those who love animals get pets knowing that we will significantly outlive them -- that one day they will pass and leave us heartbroken. And we do it anyway. And then, when they DO pass, eventually, we get another pet, and put ourselves through the whole thing again. And again. And again. To me, that's a testament to the power of the bond between humans and their pets. No, they aren't humans, but there is a love there that is unique and special. I can't imagine ever not having a pet. I will always have one, even when I'm old.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My goldfish died recently. I felt guilty that I couldn't save it from its illness despite how hard I tried and it was like the family fish that we all talked to and had fun with. I didn't look after it myself but I loved him and did everything I could possibly do to save him. We moved his house not long before he died and he just couldn't adjust to the new living conditions. We wouldn't have even known there was anything wrong with him if I didn't notice these things as I always do, but it doesn't help me feel better that I couldn't save him. We had him for over 7 years.

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My goldfish died recently. I felt guilty that I couldn't save it from its illness despite how hard I tried and it was like the family fish that we all talked to and had fun with. I didn't look after it myself but I loved him and did everything I could possibly do to save him. We moved his house not long before he died and he just couldn't adjust to the new living conditions. We wouldn't have even known there was anything wrong with him if I didn't notice these things as I always do, but it doesn't help me feel better that I couldn't save him. We had him for over 7 years.


That's quite long for a fish to live. I'm sorry you lost him. Most of the fish I've had have died in 1-3 years but I think one lived for like 10 years, lol. It was a really fat one, so maybe that had something to do with it!

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  • 1 month later...

I think it is always hard to lose a pet. I have lost a few and it is always sad. The worst was one of our cats that we had for 15 years. I would still get sad months later. But for me I dont think it is anywhere near as hard as losing a human that you loved. Not at all. When I think about some pets that died a few years ago I don't get upset about it anymore. Yea I miss them and it would be nice to see them again, but its not anything like remembering a person who died. Just how I feel.

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I am always a mess when I lose an animal, enough to the point where the people in my life tend to send me flowers for some reason like its a person that died. I keep momento's from that pet, pictures, collars, etc.

My first dog, my childhood dog, is the only one I have gone so far as to cremate though. I spent a week home from school and the first two days I didn't leave my room. I cried randomly for awhile after that....even now as an adult, I still have her ashes and dog collar and tags. Even as I type this I am tearing up a bit..... So yes, I understand where you are coming from, pets are like family to a lot of people.

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I am always a mess when I lose an animal, enough to the point where the people in my life tend to send me flowers for some reason like its a person that died. I keep momento's from that pet, pictures, collars, etc.

My first dog, my childhood dog, is the only one I have gone so far as to cremate though. I spent a week home from school and the first two days I didn't leave my room. I cried randomly for awhile after that....even now as an adult, I still have her ashes and dog collar and tags. Even as I type this I am tearing up a bit..... So yes, I understand where you are coming from, pets are like family to a lot of people.


I understand keeping some mementos, we have collars etc from our past dogs around still. And we've got the dogs buried outside in the garden, all with their own little plaque.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old post, but I had to put my 4 year old cat to sleep last week. One day he was fine and day later he was dying of FIP which evidently he has had since he was a kitten. I am absolutely devastated. Having lived alone for a long time he was much more than a friend. I am a man and I have no problem to say that I have been sobbing on and off for a few days now. He died the same week as the 10th anniversary of my divorce and the 12th anniversary of my Father's passing. It was a very tough week.


Pets, at least in my life, have been more than family, probably the only things that I have ever felt loved me unconditionally. I tried calling my Mother when I found out my cat was really sick and all she did was say "yeah, he's probably a goner" and then described in detail how all of my childhood pets met their fate. I told her that "I had obviously called the wrong person" and she is still asking what I meant by that. She's totally devoid of empathy ... I have no answer for her.

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