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How do you guys feel when you lose a pet?


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I've lost many pets in my life, the hardest one being our family dog who was with us for 16 years. It was the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. I went to grief counselling (at a regular counsellor, not an animal counsellor), and my counsellor told me it's almost akin to losing a brother or a sister. I had to go to counselling for over a year to get over the loss of our dog, so don't feel embarrassed or ashamed of your feelings. Does your dog's clinic offer free (or cheap) grief counselling?


I work in a vet clinic and even the most seasoned veterinarians still cry when euthanizing an animal. They are living creatures, with families and memories and friends. They are someone's life.


No our vet doesn't offer anything like that, although they did give us a very nice poem last time on of our dogs got put down. I can't remember it, but if I ever find it I shall post it here!

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It honestly brings me to tears to think of Jasper (our 5 year old cat) not being with us one day. I think what really breaks my heart is our kids may not ever have any memories of him. We won't be able to start trying for a family for another 3-4 years which by that time Jasper will have lived over half his life. I've had many, many cats over the years but Jasper is my baby boy. He was originally my ex and mine's cat (one of two) and we responded to a request put in the local paper for free kittens. The mama cat had had them and the family was just giving them away to good homes. I was actually trying to grab Jasper's sister but she kept eluding me and my ex and the next thing I knew this tiny, tan furball bounded up to me. It was love at first sight.


And he's just the most docile cat ever. Seriously. Nothing bothers him. Shooting Star sees all the pics I post of him on facebook and he's almost always sprawled out some were - like now he's lying on his back with all four legs up in the air at the end of our bed. Animals just have such unique and wonderful personalities, I will never know how someone can't see their pet as family. I'm his mom. I know the sounds he makes when he's hungry or when something is wrong, I know he likes to greet me at the door every day I come home from work, I know to always leave an open space on the bed for him, I know he hates thunderstorms...

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No our vet doesn't offer anything like that, although they did give us a very nice poem last time on of our dogs got put down. I can't remember it, but if I ever find it I shall post it here!


It's possible that it was a poem about the Rainbow Bridge. I honestly can't even force myself to read it. I've heard it so many times, I know I will cry if I read it again:


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It's possible that it was a poem about the Rainbow Bridge. I honestly can't even force myself to read it. I've heard it so many times, I know I will cry if I read it again:


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No it wasn't about the rainbow bridge. In fact, this is the first I've heard of the rainbow bridge and I'm glad I read it, it's beautiful.


If I ever find the poem I'm talking about, I'll post it to this thread

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I love my animals and I think they are part of my family. I do not however feel they are "human." I get them the best care I can and I treat them very well. I have been sad and cry when my pets die or I have had to put them down.


However I can tell you I was FAR more devastated when my son died than ANY pet. The grief just has no comparison.

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I love my animals and I think they are part of my family. I do not however feel they are "human." I get them the best care I can and I treat them very well. I have been sad and cry when my pets die or I have had to put them down.


However I can tell you I was FAR more devastated when my son died than ANY pet. The grief just has no comparison.


Personally I've never had anyone all that close to me die, so I can't really comment on the comparison there. I'm sorry for your loss x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our old girl had to be put down yesterday (Java cat) She was my cousin's kitten, who then got passed to my grandmother, who loved her like a child until she passed away. After grandma passed away, we took her in. She was such a member of our family, and always will be.


She would always make us laugh as she laid on her back with all fours in the air, big seal-like eyes looking up at us, or when she would watch the birds on tv, or "beat up" her automatic litterbox. No matter what, even to the very end when she was sick and dying, she purred non-stop. I honestly had forgotten how much it hurts to lose a pet. My heart hurts every bit as much as it did when I lost my grandma.

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Our old girl had to be put down yesterday (Java cat) She was my cousin's kitten, who then got passed to my grandmother, who loved her like a child until she passed away. After grandma passed away, we took her in. She was such a member of our family, and always will be.


She would always make us laugh as she laid on her back with all fours in the air, big seal-like eyes looking up at us, or when she would watch the birds on tv, or "beat up" her automatic litterbox. No matter what, even to the very end when she was sick and dying, she purred non-stop. I honestly had forgotten how much it hurts to lose a pet. My heart hurts every bit as much as it did when I lost my grandma.


Thanks for your input. I know just how you feel. As I said at the start of the thread, one of my dogs got put down recently, but I live away from home for college, so I went home this weekend for the first time since before she got put down and the house just felt so empty without her running up to me and jumping all over me. It is just like losing a family member isn't it. I'm sorry for your loss xx

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Thanks Chewy.


I break down randomly, it's so weird. My fiance went upstairs expecting to see her on the couch and when I got up this morning I almost said "good morning Java" figuring that she'd be on her bed. That made us chuckle though, not cry.

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Yeah, it's hard to break the habits you built around them. When I was 10, my 2 dogs got put down. They always used to wake me up in the morning before school. It was a long time before I stopped waiting for them in the mornings. But it's always nice to think back on all the memories

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Tragedy strikes the Chewy household again.


One of my cats back home died yesterday. We got him (and hiv sister) around my 8th birthday. We're not sure what happened but we THINK he got hit by a car, about 3 weeks ago and thus he was a bit groggy and not quite himself. I went home about 2 weeks ago, and I know it sounds daft, but he was laying there on the couch looking like a sad kitty, but when he realised it was me, he perked right up and he was his old self again. We were all so happy, we thought he was gonna pull through. But apparently it was not to be. Probably for the best I suppose, you've gotta go when you've gotta go.


I'll be going home again in 3 weeks time. I'm not really looking forward to it, it's gonna be quiet.

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It's possible that it was a poem about the Rainbow Bridge. I honestly can't even force myself to read it. I've heard it so many times, I know I will cry if I read it again:


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As I say, I've never heard of this poem, but there's actually a bridge local to me where my mum buried our dog and now cat. It's called the Rainbow Bridge.

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I have had cats all my live and I was the one that had the task to take them to the vet to have them put to sleep when there was nothing that could no longer be done for them Do to health reason.

I just would hate when that time comes. What makes me the saddest thing is that the Animals can not tell you when they are not starting to feel ill.

I have spent more money on pet medical care then I have in my own health care.

When ever it gets to be that time that there is no longer any thing that can be done for them I get real sad and I try to see if any thing can be done for them to

find something to correct the illness.

Right not I Have two cats both are over 17 years old and they seem in good health tough. And two dogs that are about 8 years old and they art my Family .

Do the the fact my mom and dad passed Away some years ago. and my Baby sister died three years ago last February 21.

So it is just me the the Boys as I Call the animals. With the two cats when it is time to go to bed for them the one will stand in front of the Computer screen.

And that is my signal that Patches wants to go to bed. And as soon at I push away from the Computer he jumps down and runs to the Bed room and Stands on hind legs and reaches for the door knob. And when I come to bed after talking with my Girl friend in the UK at 3:00an EST thee two cats are asleep on the Bed

And then I get into bed one of the two cats will curl up on my chest and go back to sleep.

I do not trust people that do not like Animals. All animals is love and a bowl for food and a place to sleep.

Ti me a great night is to gave the two cats a sleep on the back of my recliner abd the dogs a sleep at my feet while I watch the TV.

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I come from a family who has a few pets at a time, and we keep them for life. When they pass away its DEVASTATING. I feel that when people have a lot of animals, when one passes a way its not as devastating for some reason.. not sure why.. but its what I have seen.


My Cat from life passed away about 2 years ago. It was really hard, and still is. He was 19 years old, almost like losing a child. He was there at every milestone in my life. I went to the animal shelter to find a new cat... and saw one identical to him and started crying in the shelter!


I did end up getting a new companion that day post breakdown! That doesn't look ANYTHING like my old cat so I don't cry at her. lol. She does not replace him, but she is wonderful in her own ways, and I couldn't be happier!

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I have always felt like pets are a part of the family and/or friends. Maybe nonverbal and we can't go to lunch together, but friends nonetheless. I always cry and it is always hard to lose one. I have a neighbor with a very affectionate cat who would stop by my place often for pets and treats. He recently passed away since he was just old and not in the best of health and we both cried together when she came over to tell me the news. I find myself listening for his meow at my door in the mornings and I miss him fiercely even though I have plenty of pets of my own. He was a friend and he brightened my day and my life. Losing that is hard no matter if the source has two legs or four or even none as in the case of a Siamese fighting fish I once owned for five years. The longer I own the animal and the closer they are to family of course the harder it is. I have two dogs and a cat and a horse that I lost over the years and truthfully I have never fully gotten over losing any of them, they were that special to me.


I've had people chide me before for getting too attached to animals and I don't care. I love who I love regardless.

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