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Emancipation ~


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So I'm 15 and want to get emancipated when I turn 16. I want to get emancipated because for the past 3 years my mom and brothers have been abusing me mentally and emotionally. There isnt a day that goes by that my brothers dont call me a "." (the forum censors words apparently) or a stupid . They also hit me and whatnot. And last year on valentines day, My mom tried to shoot me with a gun. I told my counselors and we got CPS involved. Its still an ongoing case but my mom is trying to close it because "its ruining her life." She constantly hits me and tells me I'm fat (im really not so i dont know where she gets it from). There are times when she will tell my brothers I hit her and they'll threaten to "stomp my face in." I see a psychologist every thursday. And I tell him these things, but he doesn't really say anything. My mom also uses the fact that I'm a lesbian against me. She tells me im going to hell. It doesnt really offend me though, because I have such a small amount of faith in religion. & I have a plan set already for emancipation. I'm going to get my work permit so I can start saving money up before I turn 16. I did all the math so I have a general idea as to how much money I will make a month. I currently live in Las Vegas so its expensive to live here. So my girlfriend and I are going to move to my hometown, which is Kingman, AZ. Does anyone have any advice that could help me in my emancipation ? I've been doing a lot of research so I have a clue as to what I need to get out of here.

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Your psychologist doesn't "really say anything" about the CHILD ABUSE you are disclosing to him? He's got a legal obligation to report your mom for this stuff.


Here in Texas, if you're involved with CPS you can get legal advice through them. Have you asked your caseworker about emancipation?


I'm so sorry that you're going through this, Heather. Sometimes people can be so prejudiced and dumb and cruel. I hope things get better for you soon. You keep CPS involved, and don't hesitate to call the cops if things get rough at your house. If your family starts to abuse you physically again, you get the hell out of there and call the cops. Okay? Keep us posted, please. Hugs.

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I know. No one really does anything in vegas because it happens so often, it doesnt really matter unless you open a case. & I havent. We havent really spoken in a few months. She drops by to check on me, but we always know when shes coming so my mom doesnt do anything bad. And thank you

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Open that case, Heather. You don't deserve to be treated this way. There is nothing wrong with you for being the way you are. You have rights and you have to stand up for yourself.


I just found my caseworkers card. I emailed her because if my mom finds out I called her she'll be absolutely pissed.

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You absolutely do not deserve this treatment and it is a crime. Keep on this Heather and tell your psychologist if they do not report the child abuse you will report them. Seriously that is SO negligent. If you feel you are in danger please call the police.


Thank you.

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This, this, this! You need to FORCE the adults in your town to help you.


Its just kinda scary. When I got my mom in trouble the first time, I had to move in with her best friend and she hated me. My whole family grew to hate me. The only people who dont hate me in my family, are my Dad, little brother, and Half sister. My little brothers too young to understand, though. I was suicidal for 3 years, and I'm trying to get better now. The most he understands is that i used to hurt myself. My half-sister lives in ohio and is 27 with her own family. My dad is a workaholic. So he isnt there enough to see what they do to me. I just dont want to lose my whole family for getting my mom in trouble again

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Its just kinda scary. When I got my mom in trouble the first time, I had to move in with her best friend and she hated me. My whole family grew to hate me. The only people who dont hate me in my family, are my Dad, little brother, and Half sister. My little brothers too young to understand, though. I was suicidal for 3 years, and I'm trying to get better now. The most he understands is that i used to hurt myself. My half-sister lives in ohio and is 27 with her own family. My dad is a workaholic. So he isnt there enough to see what they do to me. I just dont want to lose my whole family for getting my mom in trouble again


Honey, you can't worry about your mom being mad. She deserves to be in trouble. And if you seek help, you can get your younger siblings out of there, as well.

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Honey, you can't worry about your mom being mad. She deserves to be in trouble. And if you seek help, you can get your younger siblings out of there, as well.


I know. I want to get my brothers out of here with me. But they like her. She likes them. I'm the only one who sees that shes crazy

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I have heard of this happening before. An abusive parent picks out one child, who for whatever reason they think is the "problem". You are going to need to start making the adults around you do what they are supposed to do. And, your mother has no one to blame but herself about getting in trouble.


It could be possible that your brothers (due to brainwashing by your mother) will not like you for a time. But as they grew it is likely that they will come to see what was happening with a more objective eye. How is your relationship with your step-sister? Could you talk to her about what is going on?


I advice gathering as much evidence as you can. For example, do open a case so the professionals can investigate. I would also have a tape recorder on you at all times, leave it on so when your mother starts verbally abusing you it will be on tape. If you can, in your room set up a hidden camera. If she EVER tries to use a weapon on you EVER again call the police ASAP. The more paper work that is created the better chance not only you will be able to get away but that the authorities will help the other children in the home.


One more thing, and this is so minor given everything else you are going through but I have to say. I don't think its a good idea to move with your GF.


Good luck! Please keep us updated.

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Hi HeatherS. To be emancipated you must generally show a court that you are living on your own, managing your own finances, and attending school:


NRS 129.080 Minor may petition juvenile court for decree of emancipation; reference to master. Any minor who is at least 16 years of age, who is married or living apart from his parents or legal guardian, and who is a resident of the county, may petition the juvenile court of that county for a decree of emancipation. The district court may refer the petition to a master appointed pursuant to title 5 of NRS or chapter 432B of NRS.


(Added to NRS by 1987, 1278; A 1991, 2180; 2003, 1117)


NRS 129.090 Petition: Contents; fees.


1. A petition filed pursuant to NRS 129.080 must be in writing, verified by the petitioner and set forth:


(a) The name, age and address of the minor;


(b) The names and addresses of the parents of the minor;


© The name and address of any legal guardian of the minor;


(d) If no parent or guardian can be found, the name and address of the child’s nearest known relative residing within this state;


(e) Facts relating to the minors education, employment, and length of residence apart from his parents or guardian;


(f) That the minor willingly lives apart from his parents or legal guardian with the consent or acquiescence of his parents or legal guardian;


(g) That the minor is managing his own financial affairs;


(h) That the source of the minor’s income is not derived from any activity declared to be a crime by the laws of this state or the United States; and


(i) That the minor is attending school or has been excused from attending school pursuant to NRS 392.040 to 392.125, inclusive.


2. If any of the facts required by subsection 1 are not known, the petition must so state.


3. For filing the petition, the clerk of the district court shall charge the fees prescribed by law for the commencement of civil actions or proceedings generally.


These things are not easy. You must have a job. Be able to pay all of your bills. And be capable of living on your own. Most minors are not able to do this - even if they really want to and have the motivation.


I think the others have given good ideas about calling your social worker and being very honest about what is happening to you. Do you have a Guardian ad Litem appointed to you in the child protection case? Is it in court or is CPS just working with the family informally? There can be ways to force some actions if CPS isn't doing enough - but it can mean you will end up in foster care and not being emancipated.

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Theyre definitely brainwashed. She has a degree in psychology so she knows how to get into peoples' minds and **** with them. & I started doing that when I was in middle school, but she found out. A lot of my friends are saying not to move in with my girlfriend but it'll help me survive. She has money in the bank, by the time im 16, she can sign for the apartment because she'll be of age and she can drive. So It'll help me out.

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I know. My dad was telling me yesterday how it isnt easy caring for yourself as a minor because he was emancipated when he was 17. I have my work permit. I got it today so im going to start looking for jobs and saving up. I'm homeschooled, and have straight a's so schooling isnt a problem. I know where I want to move. I'm going to have my girlfriend or parents sign for the place then move in. When I get settled, im going to get emancipated, I have the petition already in a PDF so i just need to fill it out. & I was assigned a guardian last year. It was my Moms friend.

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Theyre definitely brainwashed. She has a degree in psychology so she knows how to get into peoples' minds and **** with them. & I started doing that when I was in middle school, but she found out. A lot of my friends are saying not to move in with my girlfriend but it'll help me survive. She has money in the bank, by the time im 16, she can sign for the apartment because she'll be of age and she can drive. So It'll help me out.


The worry is, what happens if the two of you break up? Getting out of the your current home is the main goal but it has to be to done in such away so that you can be self-sufficient. If the two of you break up you will suddenly be left either with an apartment you cannot afford or being kicked out.


Here is another idea: Whenever you see a weapon or they start of physical hurt you RUN to a neighbors house. Bang on their door until they let you in and ask them to call 911. Not only will it get you help and more records (which will be good for your case) but then the neighbors will likely start to watch your house and your mother more closely.


Did you ever catch anything on camera or on a recording? What happened when your mom found out? I'm just trying to see if it would be worth trying again. Have you gotten in contact with your social worker?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I caught my mother on video several times, but I'm an adult so I think the statue of limitations is up on that for me.


There may come a time when you want justice for your suffering and psychological damage. So do the best you can to collect any evidence you can. Take pictures of your injuries if she hits you, keep verbally abusive emails or notes, keep a journal or log of the date and time the abusive incidents occur and try to get some witnesses.


I feel so sorry for you, it might be so frightening wondering how you are going to pay for all this. Please dont turn out like me and become dependent on your significant other for emotional support and financial help.


Even though you may think you are breaking the cycle, it is possible you might keep falling into one abusive situation after another.


Do everything in your power to make sure the abusr ends the second you step out that door. You'll have to unlearn a lot of negativ things she brainwashed you into believing that you didnt even know she had brainwashed you into believing.


If nothing else, write it all down and try to keep a good record of all the times the abuse occurs. Not only will this be good for you but it will really help in explaining your situation to others who may not understand.

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