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Is she overreacting?


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Around a year ago I got "Catfished" (when someone makes a fake person online and pursues a fake relationship with you), I've told my girlfriend about the whole situation and how messed up it was. We had already gotten in an argument quite some time ago because of a post valentine's day video I had made this fake girlfriend that I forgot to delete off my computer. She has this idea in her head that I liked this fake person better than I like her even though I was clearly manipulated and I was not thinking clearly. We worked it out but she still always tries to tease me about being attracted to other girls, I don't deny it but I always say it doesn't matter because she's my girlfriend. On Sunday the fake person accepted a friend request my girlfriend sent forever ago to check out the situation (the fake probably signed in cause it's fake birthday was on Saturday). My girlfriend got mad because I'd give compliments via photo comments to this fake girl over a year ago. I've tried explaining to her that I hardly even use facebook anymore to begin with (she knows I don't since I post things very rarely) and that I'd rather treat her well in real life. She was saying how our relationship is pointless because I don't view her the way I view other girls and she's just a friend to me. Even though I'm physically affectionate with her I'm not always verbally affectionate, we have a kind of relationship where we do a lot of boyfriend/girlfriend things but also engage in more platonic activities here and there. I can't seem to explain to her that I do find her attractive and I enjoy all the time I spend with her (not that the latter matters to her). I'm starting to think she's really oversimplifying attraction and doesn't seem to understand why I want a long term relationship with her. Even though I don't think she's the hottest girl I know (How often do people really date the hottest girl they know?) I still think she's pretty and has a nice body but what makes her even better is that her and I click on a lot of levels and she's fun to be around and has the best sense of humor of any girl I've ever met. Is she freaking out for pretty much no reason?

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I think she's freaking out for no reason if the whole thing with this fake girl was before you guys even started dating. I think you've made it clear to her that you're into her enough. Maybe you could try being a bit more verbally affectionate if you think you're lacking in that area. Just don't tell her she's not the hottest girl you know.

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I don't think you should be guilted into commenting on her photos on fb, just because you did it a year ago with someone else, whether that person was real or not.


I agree that if you think you are not verbally affectionate, that's something you could work on. But the compromise has to be that your gf stops harassing you about the whole fb thing, and about other women.

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