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Been dating a few weeks - valentine's day?


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I've been going out with this girl for a few weeks. Long story short, she's amazing and we're really into each other.


I'm wondering if it's too soon to do anything for her for Valentine's day next week. I'd like to treat her to something, but at the same time I don't want to make too big a thing out of it since we've only been going out for a few weeks. She's not the type of girl to take the day too seriously, but still, she's a special girl and I'd like to do something for her while still being relatively casual. Any ideas on what would be the right balance?

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I think V-DAY is weird when you just started dating someone. Don't do roses that's too lovey dovey hahaha. I'd say some gerber daises. Just small and sweet.


Hence why I'm posting. If we started dating a few months ago it wouldn't feel weird, but this is just the right amount of time to make me question what to do.


Flowers aren't a bad idea. She also really likes this brand of chocolate which I was thinking of getting for her. It's nothing too fancy or lovey dovey, and she'll know that I was paying attention to what she likes instead of just grabbing some random box of chocolate. Maybe that plus dinner, which we do a lot anyway.

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Hence why I'm posting. If we started dating a few months ago it wouldn't feel weird, but this is just the right amount of time to make me question what to do.


Flowers aren't a bad idea. She also really likes this brand of chocolate which I was thinking of getting for her. It's nothing too fancy or lovey dovey, and she'll know that I was paying attention to what she likes instead of just grabbing some random box of chocolate. Maybe that plus dinner, which we do a lot anyway.


This was along what I was going to suggest, and you nailed even the wording! Something small and thoughtful that shows you have been paying attention.




I don't think you need us on this! lol.

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This was along what I was going to suggest, and you nailed even the wording! Something small and thoughtful that shows you have been paying attention.




I don't think you need us on this! lol.


It helps to get my thoughts out to other people and not just my wall.

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I'm facing the same dilemma... It will be about 3 weeks dating when V-day hits. I too have been paying attention to her likes but her favorite flower is an orchid. Would that come off as too extravagant? It definitely doesn't exude too much romance...


On the other hand I was thinking of just having a cozy candlelit homemade dinner, spending the day together is all that's needed sometimes.

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her favorite flower is an orchid. Would that come off as too extravagant? It definitely doesn't exude too much romance...


It's different, though, which is good.


I'm in a similar dilemma. I made the mistake of pointing out to her all the cute cheap stuff in the window of the local antique shop last time she stayed here. So, ruled out a major source of nice surprises...

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