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Facebook about face

and so it goes

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Ever meet someone and they seem really cool and interesting and you're thinking that you'd like to get to know them better. You become facebook friends (or you stalk their facebook) and you see their profile and then woah....not good.


This has happened a bunch of times to me already....don't people know what kind of impression they give off when they post "wacky/crazy/drunk/stupid/tacky/tasteless/$lutty pictures (or are tagged in them?)


I supposed I should be grateful that I've weeded them out beforehand, but still. boo facebook stupidity.

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The opposite can also be true:

You meet someone who seems tots cool, but their FB pro is sooo boring.

I get that FB isn't for everyone, but if you're under 30 & not active it's def not the norm.

I think FB is about the life they want people to THINK they have.

I notice then when my friends write statuses or post pics about stuff.

Its like uh... I was there... That's not how it went, haha.

I won't give up FB because it really is how people connect, but I wish it was never invented.

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Generally, if your personal experience of somebody contradicts the impression given by their Facebook activities, I'd go with the personal experience. Facebook can cast an interesting sidelight on someone but it's often not representative of them as a whole.


For example, I have several quite deep interests that I rarely post about on FB, because the friends that would engage with those topics generally aren't on FB. I'm sure there are many, many equivalent situations.

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Some of my favorite people aren't represented very well on FB. Not that what they are doing is so crazy out of line with how I know them, but it seems sometimes, even knowing someone really well, that it's like looking at a stranger. It's not the whole, like Essex said, but usually a small part of their life really super magnified.


Some it's "kids and family"!!

Some it's "my cool adventures"!!

Etc. Etc.


There is this co worker of mine who I get along with very well, have spent time outside of work with, and overall, I think she is such a beautiful - inside and out - young woman. Then when she connected with me by FB, I had to double check - is this really her?! Just it was such a tiny snapshot blown up of one part of her life - mostly her cars! lol - and really said very little about her. If I had come accross it and didn't know her, I'd only see that part of her.


BTW, I've kept all pictures of myself off Facebook and online yet there is ONE floating around out there which someone had tagged to me and which is out of my control now to take off. It's not linked to my Facebook, but if you are looking for me, you could find it. And it's of me drinking out of a bottle of wine like a champ. I barely drink, and the thing is all out of context - so it just looks like I'm beaming over chugging down wine at a party. But if people knew me and the context, they laugh. So I think a lot of times, so much of what people post anyways is "inside material" and really, it's more that many people have a more blurry sense of private/public now....not really aware of how public it is (as public as an airport lol).

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I think facebook is silly and boring nowadays.


Saying that..I use it cos I have friends abroad, like to see what people do/post etc.


I have hardly ever encountered someone being very different on fb than real life. Maybe these are the people I have blocked, dunno (I block/delete/deny requests easily, I have no worry to offend). I am pretty much myself on it, will just stay away when I'm mega down. But still I put some deep stuff there and random stuff too.

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what I have found a bit sad to hear is this ...


my friend on adding a potential date to her f/b commented with some concern that he didn't have a lot on his friends list

and was bothered by his popularity


That is really sad. Are they very young?


I have just shy of 500 FB friends, my girlfriend has 80ish, but all that means is that I use FB in a different way from her (partly because I've moved around the country and world more, so picked up a more widely-dispersed bunch of acquaintances). I'd hate either of us to be judged, either way, by that disparity!

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Some of my favorite people aren't represented very well on FB. Not that what they are doing is so crazy out of line with how I know them, but it seems sometimes, even knowing someone really well, that it's like looking at a stranger. It's not the whole, like Essex said, but usually a small part of their life really super magnified.


Yup. Absolutely. One guy I know moderately well in real life - we run into each other two or three times a week - uses FB almost exclusively to joke about his inability to meet women, with a constant stream of self-mocking comments, occasionally rather hilarious.


This probably does indicate that at some level it's an issue for him. But at most, it's only a tiny facet of his personality - one that I've never even seen in real life, where he's incredibly knowledgeable and interesting about movies, music and a bunch of other stuff.

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Facebook comes in handy sometimes imo. There's been several times where I would meet a cute girl in real life and then check out her facebook profile. Boom, turns out she's got a boyfriend or is married. Saved me the embarrassment of trying to flirt with her only to find out later that she's taken. Besides that I only use facebook to talk to family and friends occasionally. There are several people I know in real life that are more interesting than their profile makes them look, some are like me and never post at all. Then there are others that post too much and make status updates about the most random things...

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i use facebook to weed out people before i meet online dates. i can see if they have friends, if they work where they say they do, the kind of comments they get/make to tell me what kind of person they are. also feels safer to have some kind of vetting system.


however, it also helps with vetting friends of friends. i found pictures of a guy who my friend wanted to set me up with posing with guns?! err nooo

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  • 1 year later...

i also wish FB wasnt invented. Not only does it yes turn you off because ya you meet someone and they seem great but then you see all the photos of them hanging of other members of the opposite sex and you automatically go "hmm player.. stay away"... But FB also causes alot of issues in relationships that wouldn't be there in the first place if it didnt exist, such as jealousy, fights, flirtation, accusations etc etc.


FB is a good way to keep in touch with people who you wouldnt see alot like family memebers or friends from college but it is definitely a large player in failures of alot of relationships.

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