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Accidentally Skype Called Ex, Does this mean NC is back to Square 1?


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It was a genuine misclick, which I said so when she asked in IM. I immediately ended the convo casually saying "oops!" but I'm worried since I've done my best since breakup to be non-needy/non-clingy/confident/more attractive/etc. that she will interpret this as me trying to contact her and that the past few months of NC were just all cancelled out. Thoughts?


Should've just taken her off contacts list...sigh.

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There is no "Square 1" and no it wasnt "cancelled out" because there is no timeframe for it. If you think that there is a certain criteria for time, then you are doing yourself no good. Your best bet is to drop the "How to get them back" advice, and just focus on moving forward. That all you can do. She may or may not come back, but you will have been moving forward all along.

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Everyone makes mistakes. She knows it was a mistake and probably is wondering who you were really trying to skype. Now she is thinking about you and poof you disappear again. She will be like wth? It's like holding out a carrot then yanking it back when you know the other may want a carrot, hasn't seen one in a long time and now that your holding it out to her it looks tempting again.


Just look at this mistake as a bump in the NC road. It's not going to affect the previous months. I think it will only do good as you lit a spark in her mind then disappeared. It may drive her to miss you more! Now that she had a taste.

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Why does it matter what she thinks? If the NC is working for you, that's what matters, and a genuine accident was just that.


^^^^This. You are moving forward with your new awesome life. No need to worry about her reaction or look for her in your rearview mirror. Just keep focused on yourself. good luck!

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i think people take this NC thing too seriously, it was an accident, you are still moving on. You will never be at square one, this isn't snakes and latters. What you feel now will never be identical to before regardless of contact. You are still mentally moving forward with your life, and will continue to do so, keep it up/

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