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Crappy with women


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You are losing site of the fact that when a woman is attracted to a guy she will want to know why he is doing certain things like.....


1. not answering the phone

2. not responding to texts in the same day

3. Never being available on Saturday


Sorry hon, I almost never call men unless they call me, I am not a texter and I am unavailable on Saturday myself. I wouldn't know what he is up to on Fri/Sat cause I am busy being with friends etc. Some women actually have a life you know.

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Just be clear, I have guys not call me, and do the things that are on your list (wait three days to call, not be available) and I just assume they are not interested me. I then move on. Why waste time with a guy who acts so disinterested? I was in a three year relationship which started because the guy and I were working at the new student orientation at the college we attended. Every day for a week and half we saw each other. He then asked me to dinner and we were dating after that. No mind games, not tricks. My current boyfriend and I meet at a party he asked for my number and called me the next day to ask me to dinner . We have been together for a year and half.


Best friend meet a guy at a bar who set up a date with her that night. They are now engaged. Mom and dad, meet at work, same thing no mind games or drama, now married 27 years. My sister meet her wife at a party, same thing, ask for number, contact the next day, etc.


I have never known PUA tricks to work on anyone but really desperate women who are driving themselves crazy to be in a relationship.

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But she will still wonder why that...............one guy.............is no longer giving her attention


Or she will just get bored and move on.


You don't really win someone by any of these tactics. You might fool them into taking an interest in you, but unless your agenda is just to get between their legs once, ultimately they are going to encounter the real you.


So if the real you can't convince them in the first place, you're just setting yourself up for it not to work.

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Its funny how men who have trouble dating assume the problem is with the women. Clearly if you can't attract them its the women who are playing games. Sure.


Totally. I don't know where all of these fantasies about women having a line of men waiting for them comes from. Clearly not from the truth (for most women).

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Totally. I don't know where all of these fantasies about women having a line of men waiting for them comes from. Clearly not from the truth (for most women).


I used to work with a woman who was below average in looks and mentioned having a boyfriend. So if that's the case then what do u think a half way decent looking woman has?


That's why it seems like the only options most men have in 2013 is to


1. Share a woman he is attracted to


2. Date down and go out with someone who is not your type

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Totally. I don't know where all of these fantasies about women having a line of men waiting for them comes from. Clearly not from the truth (for most women).

If she is feminine and sexy, not ****ty, she will always have a group of admirers. I am not claiming to have the looks of a supermodel but I always had a group of admirers. I look feminine, sexy and I am a good listener. I use these positive traits to my advantage.

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I used to work with a woman who was below average in looks and mentioned having a boyfriend. So if that's the case then what do u think a half way decent looking woman has?


That's why it seems like the only options most men have in 2013 is to


1. Share a woman he is attracted to


2. Date down and go out with someone who is not your type


The sense I get from comments like this is entitlement. Why does a woman I deem unattractive have a boyfriend? Why don't I have an attractive girlfriend?


Often people with this mentality are also, ironically, not all that attractive himself.


It is interesting to say most men have to 'date down' when I think a lot of my guy friends who complain about being single look pretty terrible (e.g. kinda messy, overweight, etc). Note, being overweight is not terrible. Please do not take that out of context.

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The sense I get from comments like this is entitlement. Why does a woman I deem unattractive have a boyfriend? Why don't I have an attractive girlfriend?


Often people with this mentality are also, ironically, not all that attractive himself.


It is interesting to say most men have to 'date down' when I think a lot of my guy friends who complain about being single look pretty terrible (e.g. kinda messy, overweight, etc). Note, being overweight is not terrible. Please do not take that out of context.


I agree 100% with this. Guys (I personally think because of the media) assume that life will hand then a girl with great looks, a great personality, who is all over her man. When that fantasy is shattered some men start to sulk and blame the women instead of look at themselves and asking, "What can I do to be the kind of person women want?" Reminds me of this: link removed


I refer you to point four. With a lot of other good advice it states: "so you're saying that I can't get girls like that unless I have a nice job and make lots of money?"

"No, your brain jumps to that conclusion so you have an excuse to write off everyone who rejects you by thinking that they're just being shallow and selfish. I'm asking what do you offer? Are you smart? Funny? Interesting? Talented? Ambitious? Creative? OK, now what do you do to demonstrate those attributes to the world?"

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Yes and we all know that is not true because I see plenty of guys with girls who don't male a lot of money.



A old friend of mine used to make this statement because he didn't have any money



" I can make a girl feel happy because I damm sure don't have any money to give her" LOL

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Lots of commentary!


Maybe I should clarify, I don't know ANY of these dating ideas. I didn't know that inviting a woman over to

your place suggests sex. (Ok, I kinda did); but she didn't have to say yes. And did I want to get this woman

drunk? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Having A drink takes the edge off a first date. That's why I do it. I was enjoying

her company and just wanted the good times to keep rolling. But i see your point.


When I have fun on a first date, I want them to continue. So that's why we hung out for a few hours. Did I

know that bringing in someone to your home on a first date is a no-no? No. We live in the same neighborhood

and I just thought it would be more convenient to leave from one place. I didn't know that was a personal

boundary that I shouldn't extend so rapidly.


Would you agree that confidence is always sexy no matter who you are, or what you do and that that setting

dating boundaries is a good way to leave something to your next date?

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