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strain on my sister


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Ive put a strain on me and my sister's relationship. she constantly listens to me complain about my life and i think she had enough of if tonight. I feel bad putting her in that position, but I dont have anyone else to talk to about these things.

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It's ok to want to vent to your sister about things, that's what they're for. But when that's all you do, it gets really tiring. Is that the case here? When that happens, it can make the other person feel as if that's all you're talking to them for, to vent. And you're not really interested in having an actual conversation. That's more what a therapist is for. You should learn to deal with your frustrations somewhat on your own without having to go to someone for them, and then vent sometimes about the things that REALLY get to you.

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I feel like I've put a strain on everyone around me lately because of my break-up. It's normal and your loved ones will understand (even on the days when they run out of patience....they really haven't). You'll have to be there for them when it's your turn. Just keep that in mind and it all equals out in life.


It's ok to want to vent to your sister about things, that's what they're for. But when that's all you do, it gets really tiring. Is that the case here? When that happens, it can make the other person feel as if that's all you're talking to them for, to vent. And you're not really interested in having an actual conversation. That's more what a therapist is for. You should learn to deal with your frustrations somewhat on your own without having to go to someone for them, and then vent sometimes about the things that REALLY get to you.
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Why do you NEED someone to listen to your problems in the first place?

If you've got a problem then take steps to solve it, if you ask someone for advice they will usually offer advice but they are not there to listen to you vent.

If you don't want to take steps to solve it and have no intention to then why complain to your sister about it? She can't do anything if you aren't willing to solve your own problems.

I know it always annoys me when people vent about stuff to me but take no action to overcome the problem like they just want someone to listen to their problems, why do you think therapists get paid top dollar to sit there, listen and make you answer your own questions by repeating the words "And how do you feel about that" and "Do you think its wrong?".

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