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2 years and still unemployed


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I can't believe it has been 2 years since I have worked. I can't find any work at all, I have applied to so many places and I'm getting really burnt out from this. I'm in my mid 30's and I can't believe that I do not have a career yet. I have no direction in life at all and I never thought that my life would end up like this

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How have you been surviving?


I have been surviving by living with my parents. I do odds jobs making about $20 to $75 a week depending what is available. My parents are old and they won't live forever and after they pass away most likely I will be living in a van because I dont have a lot of $$.


I have done volunteering work, coaching also networking online, career fairs, college job fairs, and linked in. I have thought about going back to school but I do not think that is a good idea because I already have mounds of college debt. Living life is tough and not easy at all.

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Instead of asking the question "why can't I get a job", rephrase the question to "why employers reject me for jobs I apply for?"


I'm sure you have some weaknesses that you could improve on.


Is it the interview stage that you are getting rejected upon? -This primarily means your C.V is fine, your education and previous work experience are not lacking but you need to work on your interview skills.


Or is it the application stage and don't even get interviews? -This primarily means you either have no education/work experience related to that field of work or your C.V looks terrible.


If you want to know why employers are rejecting you then find the fault within yourself first, why are other people getting jobs but not you? The problem isn't always the employer. Dig deep.

Then fix those problems by doing something about it.

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I have no weaknessses at all! My resume is good, I had the career service advisor look it over. I dress up professional at the interviews and I come in with a positive attitude that I want this job. I had several interviews (phone and face to face) and I got many second interviews. I'm not the only person applying for this job. I'm going against other candidates 10, 20, 30 or even 50 for the same job and I know a lot of them will have more experience than me. That is why I'm not selected. I send a thank you letter after my intereviews and I always follow up with them after a week.

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I have no weaknessses at all! My resume is good, I had the career service advisor look it over. I dress up professional at the interviews and I come in with a positive attitude that I want this job. I had several interviews (phone and face to face) and I got many second interviews. I'm not the only person applying for this job. I'm going against other candidates 10, 20, 30 or even 50 for the same job and I know a lot of them will have more experience than me. That is why I'm not selected. I send a thank you letter after my intereviews and I always follow up with them after a week.


This job market sucks. It sounds like you're doing the right things but one weakness you do have is a lack of experience, so you should do some unpaid work to get experience.

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I'm going against other candidates 10, 20, 30 or even 50 for the same job and I know a lot of them will have more experience than me. That is why I'm not selected.


First of all, make sure that is in fact why you're not selected. Have prospective employers told you this? If not, you might want to follow up and ask for some feedback. Secondly, if it's hurting you that you don't have enough experience, then you have to continue to do unpaid or low paid work in the form of volunteering or interning in your field. I realize you said that you've done that but you clearly have to continue doing that.

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I can't believe it has been 2 years since I have worked. I can't find any work at all, I have applied to so many places and I'm getting really burnt out from this. I'm in my mid 30's and I can't believe that I do not have a career yet. I have no direction in life at all and I never thought that my life would end up like this


Have you tried using job agencies, they are free and find the work for you as well as adjusting things like your cv which might be underselling yourself. Sometimes only for temp work, but an employed worker is more likely to find new employment over someone who is not working supposedly.

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Have you tried using job agencies, they are free and find the work for you as well as adjusting things like your cv which might be underselling yourself. Sometimes only for temp work, but an employed worker is more likely to find new employment over someone who is not working supposedly.


Yes I have tried Job agencies. I have submitted my resume to Aerotek, Manpower and few others. They told me when they find something that matches my qualifications they will call me.


First of all, make sure that is in fact why you're not selected. Have prospective employers told you this? If not, you might want to follow up and ask for some feedback. Secondly, if it's hurting you that you don't have enough experience, then you have to continue to do unpaid or low paid work in the form of volunteering or interning in your field. I realize you said that you've done that but you clearly have to continue doing that.


Yes a few employers have told me they filled the position with someone with a little bit more experience. I have tried applying for some unpaid internships but all of them would only accept college students. I'm just really about to give up and throw in the towel, I have been doing this to dam long and I feel so broken from this. I wish I got my degree in the health/science field, that is where all the good jobs are at.

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Yes a few employers have told me they filled the position with someone with a little bit more experience. I have tried applying for some unpaid internships but all of them would only accept college students. I'm just really about to give up and throw in the towel, I have been doing this to dam long and I feel so broken from this. I wish I got my degree in the health/science field, that is where all the good jobs are at.


Okay, then have you considered volunteering long-term with multiple places? It sounds like you have enough time to do so right now.

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What's your expertise? Or at least you'd like to do for your job? I work online full time and I can help you if you want. But only if you're interested in working online.


Right now I do side jobs/odd jobs. Each week is different for me, there are weeks when I might have nothing at all. Types of jobs I do for the time being is working on cars only small side jobs, painting, snow shoveling, picking up trash, delivering packages, taking out trash and picking up dog poop at the parks. I would be interested in working online just as long it is legal. What kind of online work you do?


Okay, then have you considered volunteering long-term with multiple places? It sounds like you have enough time to do so right now.


Once the weather is nice, I know there will be a lot of volunteering available. Right now there is not much going on in my town.

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Once the weather is nice, I know there will be a lot of volunteering available. Right now there is not much going on in my town.


Why does the weather have to be nice? There is probably volunteering available everywhere, but you have to be extremely proactive to find it.


And if your town is that small, then perhaps you should consider relocating.

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there is such a thing as a non traditional intern. Just keep applying to them. But I do think you should join Toastmasters, Rotary or wherever business owners hang out. If they end up having an internship, you can approach them on a personal level "hey, I heard that you have an internship - does your company ever consider a non traditional intern?" and because they already think highly of you, they may put in a good word on that or on a job for that matter. If you are taking a class that also shows a willingness for more training as well. Is there an entry level position at your field where you would be at the positions you are applying for as the next step in the promotional realm?

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Right now I do side jobs/odd jobs. Each week is different for me, there are weeks when I might have nothing at all. Types of jobs I do for the time being is working on cars only small side jobs, painting, snow shoveling, picking up trash, delivering packages, taking out trash and picking up dog poop at the parks. I would be interested in working online just as long it is legal. What kind of online work you do?


I understand working odd jobs might be difficult sometimes because there's no guarantee that there's always a job to do. Of course it's legal. I'm all about long-term business and illegal business won't do any good.


Can you write articles or maybe had an experience in writing? You can tell me about your skills or what things you're interested in, so that I can help you out more easily.

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I have been surviving by living with my parents. I do odds jobs making about $20 to $75 a week depending what is available. My parents are old and they won't live forever and after they pass away most likely I will be living in a van because I dont have a lot of $$.


I have done volunteering work, coaching also networking online, career fairs, college job fairs, and linked in. I have thought about going back to school but I do not think that is a good idea because I already have mounds of college debt. Living life is tough and not easy at all.



sometimes being unemployed is the best.


Because it allows you to get a grip on what you need to do to improve your life.


what kind of Jobs have you been applying?


Are you qualified to do them?


What is your previous work experience like?


What bout your education/qualifications etc?

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Can you relocate? If you live in Illinois try the Chicago area, if you already live there, try other areas like possibly some place you dont want to live to get more experience or at least some kind of income built up, I know Iowa or North Dakota have low unemployment rates, if you dont have money saved up or some kind of experience or if you've been out of work for as long as you say those states may offer more chances.

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sometimes being unemployed is the best.


Because it allows you to get a grip on what you need to do to improve your life.


what kind of Jobs have you been applying?


Are you qualified to do them?


What is your previous work experience like?


What bout your education/qualifications etc?


Unemployment for a few months can be nice if you have savings, but he's talking YEARS. It must get old by then.

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Can you relocate? If you live in Illinois try the Chicago area, if you already live there, try other areas like possibly some place you dont want to live to get more experience or at least some kind of income built up, I know Iowa or North Dakota have low unemployment rates, if you dont have money saved up or some kind of experience or if you've been out of work for as long as you say those states may offer more chances.



I do live in IL and I'm about an hour and half from Chicago. If I had $$ I would relocte but I do have $$. My goal is to save up and buy a van so I can relocate and live in the van.

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What about getting a part/full time minimum wage job for the time being like Wal-Mart or McDonalds or something? I went through a period of unemployment a few years back and I took a job with a residential cleaning company so I had some income while trying to find a job in my field. It wasn't the greatest thing scrubbing other peoples toilets but I felt good knowing I was bringing in a pay cheque and could maintain some independence.

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