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Opinions on taking a animal on vacation....


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My bf and I planning on taking a 4 day vacation about 10 hrs away from where we live. We do have a dog along with a salt water fish tank. We have taken him on a trip with us about 2 yrs ago and thought it kinda was a bit of a hassle. He is a bigger dog and isn't as easy to handle as a smaller dog. I know we have plently of people to come to the animals etc. My bf brings up the thought of taking him and I said 'he would be fine here and it wouldn't be easier if someone watched him, because someone has to come by for the fish tank.'



What are people's thoughts about bringing a dog on a short mini vacation? We're planning on going to a amusement park and a baseball game in AZ.

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10 hours, amusement park and a ball game, I'd leave him home.


I usually have a dog with me almost everywhere I go but thats a long ride both ways and a long time to be leaving a dog in a hotel room. Hotels generally won't allow you to leave animals in a room unattended. You can't leave him in the car either.

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I think if you have people at home who are willing to take care of him, leave your dog at home. If it was a hassle for you last time, it will probably be a hassle for you again. Add to that the stress that travelling can put on pets. You'll only be gone a few days so I'm sure he'll be fine.

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The dog would be fine and possibly quite enjoy the trip but, yes, it is a hassle having a dog with you if you are planning on dog-incompatible activities.


However, over four days I don't think you should leave him at home and just have somebody come by occasionally. Is there anyone he could stay with, or who could move into your home for the duration? Alternatively, could you put him into a boarding kennel?

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I don't suggest leaving him home alone and having someone check on him. Do you have any friends or family that would be willing to babysit at their house while you're gone?


That kind of trip isn't ideal for a dog, since he would have to be stuck in a crate/hotel while you're at the baseball game and amusement park. Ask someone to babysit at their home, maybe even offer to pay. You, your boyfriend AND your dog will enjoy it much more if he stays home.

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It probably depends on the dog. My dog wouldn't be OK driving for 10 hours only to be left alone in an unfamiliar place. She also wouldn't be OK being left home alone. When we go on vacation, we drop her off at our parents' house. Do you have any relatives or friends who could keep him? If not, is there a pet hotel near you? Overnight pet sitting service? If you decide to board your dog, just make sure your pup is up to date on his shots, including bordetella (kennel cough), which most places require a few weeks in advance.

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Can you get a dog sitter to check in on your dog during the day and spend the night with your dog? Or find a pet resort? If you were going to Disney, Disney has kennels - you have to return to let your dog out to go to the bathroom, feed, etc, but they are definitely clean and no one gets to handle your dog but you. I would not take your dog to a hotel and let them sit there. If you were going on a trip where you returned to your room frequently and also took the dog hiking, then I would do that. But amusements parks are a very long day.


If the trip involved some things your dog could do with you, etc, then i would say yes.

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We've come to the decision of having his brother come and stay at our place to watch him and make sure he gets taken out for a walk. Our dog is a bigger dog which he did love going for car rides. But what we've got planned isn't to dog friendly...I would just hate to keep him in the hotel for such long periods of time. Though there would be times were we would take him for a walk, if he were to come with us. Just makes since to have someone come stay at our place with him, because we have other pets (fish) as well that need to be checked on as well.

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