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Getting back together or not so much?


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Maybe I'm wrong...but it seems this guy has a pattern of showing up every 2-3 weeks, telling you all the things you like to hear, having sex with you and then disappearing for another couple weeks, til the urge hits again and then it starts all the way over. It almost seems like he's keeping you around for his horny times, then after he gets what he "needs" he drops off again, never actually being straight up with you, just having a bunch of ambiguous conversations about "the future". I hope I'm wrong. Be careful with this.



So I decided not to text him back. Whenever he decides to send me an email with his "thoughts", I'll see what he says.


I am moving on with my life. Its been a week since we spoke, and 3 days since his text promising to email me.

What do you think, people? Reasonable?

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