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Ex-boyfriend blamed depression for breakup. Cop out?


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I was with my ex boyfriend for about 6 months. When we first met, he let me know that he was clinically depressed and that he had ended his previous relationship when he had gone through an episode because his girlfriend at the time would not understand. Things were good between us for a couple of months, and we went on vacation together. He seemed a bit withdrawn when we returned from our vacation, but I chalked it up to him being stressed about work and finances.

I felt that he had put our relationship on autopilot because he stopped taking the time to do little things such as act concerned about my day and be affectionate. Towards the end of our relationship, our sex life also dwindled. In retrospect, he never liked to kiss during sex or partake in any position other than doggy style. For Christmas, I made him a scrapbook of our vacation together, and he in turn got me a calendar and cocoa butter lotion. I felt that the lack of thoughtfulness on his part showed me he wasn't that into me anymore.

After us getting into a fight about him forgetting to wish me luck on a job interview that I had, he told me that he (for the first time ever) loved me more than I would ever know but he is suffering through a depression and has no more energy to put toward our relationship. He said that whenever I communicate to him what he is doing wrong in the relationship it makes him feel extremely angry towards me and he doesn't want to be disrespectful to me.

With him saying he loved me and blaming the depression, I have harbored a bit of hope that we would reconcile with me giving him adequate space. We work together, but aside from run-ins at work, he has not been in contact with me except for to text me "happy birthday" in the last two weeks. I still had him as a friend on Facebook and noticed that he has been going out to the bar, casino, and that he has reconnected with his ex-girlfriend in the past week. When we were together, he never went out of the house because he is so introverted, and the sudden change in his behavior is very confusing to me. Was his reasoning for dumping me a cop-out?

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yeah, like i said, i was so sure i was going to be back into his arms after no contact! when i say he reconnected with his ex, i just noticed that he was friends with her again on facebook. they haven't spoken in over a year, so i found it suspicious. i feel like i should move on, but i can't help but hope that once he comes out of this depression haze that he would be able to realize we can make this work.

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yeah, like i said, i was so sure i was going to be back into his arms after no contact! when i say he reconnected with his ex, i just noticed that he was friends with her again on facebook. they haven't spoken in over a year, so i found it suspicious. i feel like i should move on, but i can't help but hope that once he comes out of this depression haze that he would be able to realize we can make this work.


I guess you just need to carry on accepting its over , re building your life and moving forward ....if he then tries to recconect then so be it ...

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