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Why is this so hard?

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My ex and I called it quits a week and two days ago. I've been mostly doing NC but I've slipped a few times (which he ignored). It makes me feel worse that he doesn't care at all. I feel like each day that goes by instead of getting better I miss him more.

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It's not that he doesn't care , it's that he needs to do what he needs to do to heal as well , and we can't expect our exes

to mother us through our heartbreak , because even though they walked away ..they have their own set of feelings to contend with .


I know it's hard darling , and you will slip in and out of alsorts of emotions , but you will come out of the other side , hugs xx

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You can't do "mostly NC"...NC is NC. Do not contact him by any means...maybe when he realizes you are gone...it will make him miss you more. They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder. The more you contact him or let him know you want him...the further away he will go.


Always remember, there are poeple out there that need love, that want love and would do anything for love...if he isn't one of those people, keep fishing until you find one.

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You can't do "mostly NC"...NC is NC. Do not contact him by any means...maybe when he realizes you are gone...it will make him miss you more. They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder. The more you contact him or let him know you want him...the further away he will go.


Always remember, there are poeple out there that need love, that want love and would do anything for love...if he isn't one of those people, keep fishing until you find one.


This is a good one!


Ark. It is perfectly normal to feel sad and gloomy the first few days. The key is to practice NC because that is the only way you will be able to move on. If you contact this will only make things worse because you have different intentions than your ex. If you are using your phone to contact .. hide it... or call a friend or family member. If you are emailing him write the email but send it to yourself. The key is NC by any means necessary. I would even go as far as not responding to his messages for the time being say 6-9 months.

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My ex and I called it quits a week and two days ago. I've been mostly doing NC but I've slipped a few times (which he ignored). It makes me feel worse that he doesn't care at all. I feel like each day that goes by instead of getting better I miss him more.


I think the exact same thing as you, I said to my ex you don't care because she's already moved on. But she said she does care, do I believe her? No.

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