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my ex emailed me apologizing


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So my ex emails me and tells me she's still in love with me, was madly in love with me and gave me a sincere apology for everything that she did. She said I didn't have to reply to the email and I haven't responded yet and don't know if I should or even want too. I've gotten used to life without her in it and I'm happy and I'm surrounding myself with positive people and focusing on school and my career. When I didn't answer her last night she sent the same message again through a messenger service called kik and put on it, "just in case I didn't get the email. Take care." She even got her roommate to text me and tell me to check my mail. I'm happy without her but I know her, and I am wondering if she's just doing this just because she doesn't want to be alone and my ex hates being alone. Valentines day is coming up, and it hasn't even been a month since we had a falling out in January and I cut her off completely and thought I had her emails sent straight to trash but apparently it didn't work. She tried this before on new years and was trying to get me to come stay with her and be with her but she was still being mean about it and I said no. This time she seems more sincere but I know she can switch and be quite the ***** at any moment even after she's been nice so I'm still mistrustful. That's the thing, I forgave her a long time ago for myself so I could move on but I don't think I could ever trust that girl again. She looked me in the eyes, told me she loved me repeatedly and that she didn't break up with me to be with someone else and goes and does the exact opposite and acted like she didn't care. Even went so far as to not allow me to visit my friend, her roommate, at the house she lives in right now that I helped her move into because her ex was being verbally and physically abusive to her. And it hadn't been a month that her and the person she was with broke up and she was telling me how she would take me back if I did this and that. I'm sick of it. I try to be nice but I can't even stay nice too long when I think of EVERYTHING she did to me and put me through and all I sacrificed for her. I could never hurt her, she was my first love and first time but I damn sure could never trust her again. I'm happy to say now that it's not love that I feel when I think of her anymore, it's anger. I'm moving on and will continue too. Don't know how to handle this situation though.

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I've been there. I had an ex who wanted to get bal together. She disrespected me and I left her.


Yes, it's easy To focus on what you miss, but I know why I left her.


Send her a kind email, but stand your ground. You like where you are and the direction that you're heading


Forward my friend!!

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How long were ya'll broken up before she emailed you?


that's the thing, we broke up in November of last year around thanksgiving and this has carried over into the new year. I am in class and she just sent me another email. I still have not responded to her. She is just saying she really meant what she said, ect...

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those are just words. Not a single action. In case you wanted to go back together I'd put her to the test for a good while. Otherwise keep ignoring or if you find it hard answer with a last email. Tables are turned. You have the power now.

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