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Broke up 2 weeks ago, no contact on either side


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I dated this girl for 2 months and we had a lot of good times together. She's very old fashioned and traditional, something I wasn't quite used to but was certainly willing to adapt to, and was starting to.


She ended the relationship a few days after, telling me "I'm incredibly sweet and my heart is in the right place, but she's not sure we are a good fit...and she doesn't feel the spark, etc." Personally, I think she is scared to commit because she hasn't had a boyfriend in a really long time (3 years), no sex in a year (nope not even me), and says she has dated a lot of people (not a **** at all). We definitely had a strong spark (people without the spark don't kiss like we did, don't have the conversations we did, and don't see each other as often as we did (2x a week). I think she almost fell for me and then caught herself to be honest.


Fact is, I want this girl back. I have not texted her since (2 weeks this past Saturday) and I haven't heard from her either. How do I approach this if at all?

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Trust me on this, women know what they want and she made it quite clear to you ( she doesn't feel the spark) that she is not interested. I say hold on to your dignity and move on, if she contacts you later and says she made a mistake than good on ya however nothing is more unappealing than a man who does not respect a woman's ability to make a decision for herself. It is not fear that is keeping you apart but her very clear choice. Get back out there and goodluck on the next one.

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We actually met in a place we both go to often, so there's an excellent chance our paths will cross again. Problem is, when I met her I didn't totally have my **** together - I'm at a job well below my skills set (in finance, cuz there aren't any jobs these days), don't have my normal swagger and I think she could sense that. If I see her in a few/several months should I try and revisit things with her? I honestly think we had something, or I would just say **** it (I have before, and am capable).

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I don't think its about your "swagger" or job. If you say she is very traditional and you are not and made adjustments for it - she could have figured this. But bottom line - she decided that you were not the one for her. Its not just about the physical draw to a person. There are people that we are crazy attracted to physically and mentally but our mind takes over when someone ultimately is not a good fit. Glad she said so now than in a year. Head high. You'll meet someone else.

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If our paths cross again (small city, we have a ton in common and visit same places), should I try to ask for a second chance w her?


I would just be nice to her. If you cross paths, just say "hello" like anyone else would. This was not a vile, nasty breakup - just two people that dated a few weeks when one realized the other was not what they were looking for. I would not ask for a second chance because the reason was not something you did by accident but who you are. She didn't feel you were a good fit. She gave you a fair shake and just found that you are not a match for reasons that had nothing to do with physical attraction or you both being excellent conversationalists.

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It was things I did, she said that. A major one was that she got upset that because as the man, I didn't pay for every food bill (she's traditional, and told me her dad was always the type of guy to be very generous in that way), and normally I wouldn't be at a diminished income but unfortunately with the job I currently have (and my income - half my previous salary a year ago) that wouldn't be prudent. She also didn't think I dressed as nicely as she'd like when I saw her - another function of my income right now. Such a job demotion changes their one's lifestyle. I am finishing a certification for my career that will result in a better job soon. People say timing matters big time in life, and I think this girl came into my life at the wrong time.

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