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Such a surreal day.....


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I'm not really looking for any advice but I need a place to vent my feelings. Is this even the place? IDK I woke up this morning as any usual Monday and got myself ready to head to work. I usually get to my parking spot early and read off my kindle and finish my coffee before the walk to the shop. As I was sitting there this morning I just couldn't concentrate on what I was reading wondering why I hadn't seen my co worker yet.....he parks, stops by the car and says good morning before heading off while I procrastinate to start the day.


A few minutes after I punch the clock the manager comes downstairs from her office and delivers the worst news. My co-worker (of more than 10 years), my friend, the brother I never had... was involved in a house fire the night before. His preganant wife, his daughter and grandson made it out okay, but he and his son....not so good.


C...my co worker, suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to at least 30% of his body. His son...lil C suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 85% of his body. My co-worker/brother saved his son's life. Just like any parent would do. Last update was that C is in ICU in and induced coma but seems stable. His son, however, a different story. The staff at the hospital he is in are very concerned about his condition.


I just can't believe this has happened. C is like the brother I never had....after 10 years working closely together....I love him and his family and I thank God everyone else is okay. As the only 2 in a small shop with kids, we have that extra bond. It's been such a surreal day....on auto pilot. I just can't believe the same person that I have worked beside for over 10 years is suffering like this....all the stories about him and his son that have been told... and there is NOTHING I can do but pray. I'm just so sad....for him, his son, and his pregnant wife that has to deal with all of this stress.


I'm so heartbroken about the whole situation. Thanks for reading.

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How awful I am sure you feel completely helpless and distraught about this. I know I would! I truly hope they are all okay and will recover, even though it will be a long road.


You can offer your love and support for the short term, and perhaps offer to do things for the family once you know the prognosis of your colleague and the little guy. I am sure his wife will appreciate any support at all.



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Thank you Kaytie for your kind words. As co-workers and friends we have passed allong that we would be there for them no matter what they need. Our shop is in the process of setting up a fund throught our bank to get some donations flowing for them. They are 2 hard working and loving parents. Sent a little prayer if you pray.

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