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I met this girl at a New Years eve party and I ended up getting her number. And we've kept in contact since that night. And our attraction to eachother was immediate, I told my friends I liked her, and she was telling her friends how she was going to kiss me at midnight. We hung out that entire night and have continued to talk daily and hang out regularly for a little over a month now. There's a twist tho, she got out of a one year relationship days before we met, and I didn't know this until I already liked her. So after finding that out, I told her i didnt want to be the rebound and I didnt want to get hurt. And she assured me that I wasnt the rebound and that she didnt want to hurt me.


A few weeks ago I asked her what we were, and she told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment, but she definitly likes me and wants to see where this goes. Now, we do everything that Bfs and Gfs do, we text eachother goodmorning, goodnight. We talk thoughout the whole day, we hang out, we kiss and have done everything except sex. As far as I can tell, I'm either her crutch and shes using me to heal after her break-up. Or she really does llike me and wants to see where this goes. And this may sound stupid, but when I look in her eyes as she tells me she cares about me, I know she means it. I just need advice on what to do, I've never dealt with this before.

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You could be anything to her at this point. It "sounds" like you two would be dating and that would be exactly what I would think if I were you... IF she hadn't just broke it off with a guy right before meeting you. Some people say that it can take a long time for someone to get over an ex and sometimes it takes them a matter of moments... it all depends on the situation. Personally, I would detach myself from her... I can already sense that the two of you are moving at a rapid speed and its going to get complicated if it continues. I would back far off and let her keep to herself... she is using you to cope until she can walk on her own two feet again. I think you are a rebound.

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