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Feeling like a loser and embarrased.


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Hello, I am having knee surgery on Thursday and am having a difficult time finding somebody to pick me up from the hospital. I am single, no kids and live alone. I do not run into this issue unless I have a medical situation. I have asked my niece who has two small children and she cannot take me because she cannot find a baby sitter that early. Most of my friends are working and my sister lives in another state. I feel embarrased because I don't have anyone in my life that could take me. Living alone only seems to become a problem during the holidays and at times like these. I really cannnot reschedule the surgery because I am in a lot of pain and need to get this done. I also have already set up being off from work. I just needed to vent and share how frustrated, sad and angry I am at the situation. I am hoping I can drive myself and have my niece come pick me up and get my car later. I feel exposed and afraid. Thanks for reading.

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She doesn't need the sitter to pick me up, but she needed the sitter to take me because it's super early (515 am) and would be staying until I got out because its a long way away. The cab will not work because the medical staff will not release me to someone like a cab driver. I will call my niece again today and see if she can pick me up.

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I am so sorry. Sadly medical staff don't seem to understand that there are plenty of people who do not have someone who can take them to the doctor. I have heard of this before where they will refuse a procedure if you have nobody to be with you. What is a person to do if they are not married, widowed, have no children or if the children are living elsewhere. Hopefully your niece will be able to help you figure out what to do.

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