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Just can't see why I deserve this

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So today has been a crap day for me feel like I'm slowly gettin driven into the ground its been 2 months since bu and nc and she was my fiance and were together for 6 years I didn't cheat, done everything for her being her taxi and taking her away all the time, gave her brother a career, rasied her niece. Why did she cut me off so cold the week before break up she was so happy texting me saying she so in love with me. I just can't get my head around it she look happy now she going on a last mintue vacation with her friend I tried to reach out 4 or 5 times nothing needy just saying how are you and I'm here if you need anything but no reply I can't see why I deserve all of this. I treated her like a queen and in return being treated like I never existed so hurt so lonely waking up thinking she next to me but she gone

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If you treated her well then just be happy that you did the best you could. It's ultimately her lost. Just focus on healing and reading plenty of threads here. Hopefully we both can find a new woman to love and appreciate our kindness to them.

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I'm trying to move on but deep down I do love her but I have to look at all the bad stuff she done to me like when we last broke up she slept with my I thought was my close mate (his not now) and the time she got me arrested. Saying that I got a text from her brother I'm close with saying "i asked my sis what was going on with you two She said its still a bit sore mate I said to her u just don't want to leave the hole thing as it is,and u want to finish it on good terms she said she'll tex u in good time" to me sounds like if she don't find anything I'm her back up plan

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Hi Benjii, I was in a similar situation. I understand your feelings of love, BUT sadly she doesn't seem like "the one" for you. If so none of this would be happening. Try to force yourself not to dwell on this or your love for her may turn into obsession. Question: Would you say your a controlling person. I say this because you did so much for her.. but i take it she didnt do much in return.

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