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How do you fall out of love?

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Of course you can stop loving someone. Love is not like a disease you cannot lose.

Normally you would fall out of love if the other person disrespects you, hurts you, etc.

You can replicate the feeling of falling out love by thinking about why you guys are not meant to be together.

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After my breakup of an 8 year relationship, the hardest part was convincing myself that I could no longer continue to be IN love with someone who could break my heart and walk away the way that he did. I won't lie - it took a LONG time to no longer allow myself to be IN love with him. The hurt was very real for almost 3 years after we broke up. I will say that time does eventually heal - 5 years later I am finally at a place where I am ready to truly love again. I will always LOVE my ex and he will always hold a piece of my heart...


The best thing you can do is go NC and give your heart time to heal. Keep telling yourself that it's not fair to yourself to continue being IN love with someone who clearly isn't IN love with you anymore. Eventually, you will start to believe yourself and one day you will wake up and realize that you are no longer IN love with them.

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I don't think we ever fall "out" of love with the people who have affected our lives. I believe we will always carry them with us, we just grow stronger everyday. I don't think time heals all wounds, we just become stronger and accepting, and happier. This is why "friends" has never worked for me with exes. It complicates things because their is a past and unsaid feelings etc. there is nothing wrong with loving those who have made us who we are today. Time may not heal all wounds, but it helps us to accept things as they are, and fall in love with ourselves, family and friends, and one day, somebody else.

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