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is he into me or not?


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So there's this guy (who is five years older than me). Our family have been really close friends since before i was even born (so over 20 years). We are very close, we even have thanksgiving and Christmas eve and NYE dinners together yearly. I am in college 2 hours away from our hometown, and he just got a job nine months ago in a big city two hours away in the other direction. So we are a total of four hours away from each other.


Over the summer, he started texting me a lot and want to hang out when he'd come back home to visit. But we'd always end up seeing each other anyway because of our family friend events. Then one night the two of us went out for a movie, and then afterwards just went on a drive and talked until 3am. Then when I went back to school, he'd still text me throughout the weeks and we'd look forward to seeing each other when we'd come home for more events.


In the fall, he asked me several times to come visit him in his city. He said there's lots to do and see and that he can show me around. He also said that I am more than welcome to stay at his place. I never really got the chance to visit him during the fall. We met at Thanksgiving dinner, but then ever since then he didn't make an attempt to talk to me. We met during Christmas during a family event and talked but that was it. We didn't text afterwards.


Then last week, I was going to a concert that happened to be in his city Friday night. So I grew a pair and texted him first a couple days before letting him now I'd be around. He seemed really interested to hang out and even offered his place to stay. (I decided not to, because I had another friend with me that night). We decided to hangout Saturday night. My friend had to leave Saturday afternoon. So it was just me now. So we met up at his place and he kept saying that he couldn't believe I was here. I told him that I needed to leave that night as is, because I needed to get back to school the next day. He was bummed and kept asking me to stay longer, but unfortunately I could not. So with only a few hours before my train, we decided to go get something to eat. He took me to his favorite restaurant and he paid During dinner he asked me if I was talking to anyone and how many guys I've dated and why then ended. When I told him I wasn't talking to anyone, he was surprised as I go to such a big school. However I told him that I was interested in getting into something that wasn't going to last, especially since my parents are strict/picky about who I date. He agreed with that.


Then when the time came, he dropped me to the train station and we said goodbye. I texted when I got home and thanked him and said sorry that I couldn't stay longer. He said it wasn't a problem and that he's happy to spend time with me any day even if it's just for a few hours. So for about a week after that we had been texting each other everyday. Thursday night, I mentioned that it's finally Friday coming up, and he asked if I was going to surprise him again. I asked him how it was a surprise and he said because I told him I was coming only a day before. I asked if that was bad thing and he said no, it was a surprise. The next evening, I texted him saying Happy Friday, but we only texted for three minutes telling each other our plans, but then he never responded. However, I saw that he was on facebook and WhatsApp several times since and we haven't spoken since...

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It's hard to know whether he's romantically interested in you or just very fond of you as a good friend. He hasn't actually siad or done anything which indicates that his interest is romantic. Maybe you'll have to wait longer to find out if there's anything more there. I guess you're hoping he is into you? Because you're into him? Just be careful because if you are and he isn't it could get very awkward.

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I am getting a good vibe that he is interested in you.. seems like a gentleman too. He probably knows the distance between you two is what is keeping him from asking you out... if you are interested in him, why not ask him out? It seems like he is gently eluding to that already.

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