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I think DBL just wrote a response that hit several imporant points, I would just add that you wouldn't be getting out there to make you ex jealous, altough that's the way my post may have sounded. You get back out for yourself, to really find out what you want and maybe meet someone who would be better for you. I'm suggesting that you take control of your life, for yourself. One aspect of that is taking control of this breakup. He's had total control of it up to now. Now that you're out, you can start to gain some control of your half of it and make your decisions based on your needs. No one's going to consider your needs in this, no one but yourself.

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So I've been at my moms for a few days now and it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. (its still pretty crappy tho)


For the first 2 days I was here, I was consumed with the thought that we are going to meet up on our anniversary.

I mulled around the house thinking about how great i planned on looking when i saw him, how the conversation would go and a bunch of other things that i really wouldnt have any control of. day-dreaming i guess.


Then it hit me. "What if he doesnt call me? What if he does call me but we don't even go for coffee because he tells me over the phone that he's so completely over me that coffee is a waste of time. What if he calls and says he does want to go for coffee and then tells me he has a girlfriend!?"


I became angry with myself for agreeing to meet him and couldnt stop wondering if it was just a waste of time. So, like a ninny, I emailed him late lastnight saying that I just needed to know if there was a chance he thought we might be able to work things out or If he felt like there was no freakin chance.


Basically, I just wanted to know if I was wasting my time or not. I can handle it just fine if he considers this dead and buried and i'd eventually feel that way too, I just wouldnt want to bother meeting up. But the thought of being strung along for no reason and anticipating coffee with him when he knows he doesnt want anything to possibly come of it, sucks!


So I said "please be honest with me and tell me what you are thinking about this. I'm at a fork in the road and I dont want to waste my time going down a path that could have been avoided"


he hasnt replied yet and i told him to take his time to think about it before replying. and if he doesnt reply within a decent amount of time, it will be safe to assume that he wont.


So, did i do the right thing? by cuttin the crap with this whole "we'll see" thing and asking for a straight answer?

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