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Flirtation all in my head?


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Okay so...to cut a long story short - there's this guy I like and I thought he liked me too up until a couple days ago.


He's told me he thinks I'm 'pretty', 'cute' etc and we even gave each other endearing pet names. There's always been a flirtation and he always makes fun of/teases me, and vice versa. We hung out properly for the first time on Monday (his suggestion) and now I'm worried that I said or did something wrong because ever since then, he's gone......off?


My friends have suggested it's because I ignored the fact that he said he thought I was cute, I just kinda 'ignored' it because I didn't want to be the girl that TOO into herself or him (after all, I don't know that he officially likes me yet and so I didn't want to risk making things awkward if he doesn't and I just assumed he did...if that makes sense?!)


He doesn't text me the same now and it's a little awkward in person too but this might just be me because I now feel it's weird?


As of today he's even started joking that he should have got 'that girl's' number...he never used to. He never even used to mention other girls but he'd often ask about my ex boyfriends. Is he merely making a point that he only sees me as a friend after all or what?


Was this flirtation all in my head? I'm SO confused. Is his ego bruised or is he just not that into me?

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When you ignore flirting people will assume you are not into them and begin to look elsewhere. The only way they can know you are attracted is by flirting back. So by not wanting to look as if you were 'too into him' you let him believe you aren't into him at all.

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You already gave him the expression that you are really into him by giving him pet names. He already knows he has you wrapped around his finger. So he is moving onto other girls now...

He might be also trying to make you jealous by talking about girls.

p.s. don't "hang out" with men who are interested you, either go on dates or nothing.

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You already gave him the expression that you are really into him by giving him pet names. He already knows he has you wrapped around his finger. So he is moving onto other girls now...

He might be also trying to make you jealous by talking other girls.

p.s. don't "hang out" with men who are interested you, either go on dates or nothing.


Pet names could mean friends.

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My friends have suggested it's because I ignored the fact that he said he thought I was cute, I just kinda 'ignored' it because I didn't want to be the girl that TOO into herself or him (after all, I don't know that he officially likes me yet and so I didn't want to risk making things awkward if he doesn't and I just assumed he did...if that makes sense?!)


I don't get the impression that he feels you've ignored his compliment. Is it possible that you may have misunderstood his intentions, where he just wants to be friends?

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Gaaaah! I'm so confused!!!


He's never officially said 'I like you' so how do I turn up the flirt without risking looking like an idiot if he turns around and tells me he's just being friendly after all?


You can't. Flirting always has the inherit risk of rejection. If you can never take risks you will impede your chances at romance.


If a man sincerely flatters you, graciously accept it. If you blow it off, the man will think you are blowing him off. Emphasis on the sincerely. Accepting a compliment won't make you look shallow or narcissistic.

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