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My Ex is seeing someone after 2weeks


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Exact same thing happened to me. My ex started seeing someone two weeks after our break up. She apparently is very happy with him..he can provide her with things that I was unable to give her. They are currently long distance and only have been face to face with each other for about a month. He will be back in may and they are already planning to move in together.It disgusts me. I think it is a rebound due to the speed at which they are moving, but you never know. I know she still has feelings for me. She asks whether or not I've found a new girl, she asks mutual friends how I'm doing and asks them I blocked her on Facebook, tells them that she misses me, and when I see her face to face, she's quite emotional.


In your situation, who broke up with who? What were the issues in the relationship?


Even if it is a rebound, don't just reply on hope that she will come back. Focus on improving yourself, date other people and enjoy the single life. Don't wait for someone that isn't waiting for you! And go NC, you don't want to be your ex's emotional cushion. Leave her be and focus on yourself. If it is a rebound, her relationship will unravel and you can sit with popcorn and watch. In the meantime, figure out if you actually need or not.

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He never told me but someone who knew her said that she said he was "seeing someone". That she just met. I said to breakup but didnt mean it, but after I said I didn't mean it he broke up with me anyway. I do want him back but I'm going on NC

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He never told me but someone who knew her said that she said he was "seeing someone". That she just met. I said to breakup but didnt mean it, but after I said I didn't mean it he broke up with me anyway. I do want him back but I'm going on NC


It seems as if he dumped you for her. Go NC and don't look back. Do you really want someone like that in your life? If you got back together, what's preventing him from doing it again?


He's not worth it!!!


Focus on yourself and show him that you're better than him and his new girlfriend.

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It seems as if he dumped you for her. Go NC and don't look back. Do you really want someone like that in your life? If you got back together, what's preventing him from doing it again?


He's not worth it!!!


Focus on yourself and show him that you're better than him and his new girlfriend.


I was thinking how much did I mean to him if he can go out with someone soo soon like that after we broke up. He doesn't like copping with his feelings however so maybe by doing so he don't have to deal with the emotions of the break up

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Well, you did dump him so doesn't he have the right to assume your feelings weren't so strong for him?


I'm not trying to make you feel bad but people do what they feel is in their best interests.


I wasn't myself when I said it and it was very clear. I had been a little depressed. But the way I feel is like when I needed him most he left me but everytime he needed me I have been there for him because he has been though a lot when we were together and I have stuck by him to support him thorough everything. But this is the only one time I have really needed him to support me through something. It's mainly the fact that he will not do for me what I will do for him.

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I was thinking how much did I mean to him if he can go out with someone soo soon like that after we broke up. He doesn't like copping with his feelings however so maybe by doing so he don't have to deal with the emotions of the break up


Rebound relationships usually involve the rebounder bottling up their feelings in order to feel like they've moved on from their ex. They pursue a new relationship in order to get over their old one. It usually ends badly due to the fact they still have feelings for the ex. These relationships tend to move very quickly.


Don't use the fact that rebound relationships usually crumble as a ray of hope. Some do last. Like I said before, use this time to better yourself.

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But when he did do something for you this is how you reacted:


As I said, I understand you are hurting but you need to get some perspective here.


I think I'm confused about everything. And need time to think this out because the way I reacted was not fair on him

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I always knew he could get with another girl like that if he wanted to straight after we broke up because he is good looking and a catch, and he has lots if girls after him before we started going out. But I really have to think that he wanted me even after the breakup and tried many times to show me he cared but look at how I reacted

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My ex broke up with me. A week later i was meeting someone i'd never met before, i week after that, the new guy and i were officially in a relationship. "The new guy" is my current boyfriend 18 months later. It just so happened i met the love of my life thanks to my ex breaking up with me. It was the best thing that happened to me.


I don't mean to sound insensitive, but you cannot break up with someone, hurt someone like that and then be upset that they are moving on.

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