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We dated for a year very active in church, I trusted everything, she was involved in a small group at church and wanted me involved also, so I got involved, I had bad feelings about a few people at times but I let it go, in the end something was going on the whole time, she is continuing to do this with someone new she met, every time I think about it and see this,I struggle with reveling the truth. She has shut me out, forgot my name and acts like I am a monster, we didn't fight or have differences, I gave her everything. She will do anything to protect her reputation in the church no matter who it hurts,, man I'm struggling with this.

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We go to the same church and were very active in social groups, she has 3 kids that play three different sports, we did everything together, I don't have children so in the beginning I didn't know what to expect, as it developed we all got very close, I looked forward to it all, there wasn't much time for us, but I loved her and the kids and that's life. Anyway everything seemed great and we were in love. This is the kicker, I started getting a funny feeling about this group she always wanted to pertisipate in me included, some were very cold, I didn't know why, I just let it go, later it came back when she really started being obsessive with Facebook, and playing a game called words with friends, one day I asked what's happening on fb she got defensive but said I need to stop spending time on fb, and she did, then started with the game all the time, my gut feeling came back, I started looking, I didn't really do fb when we were dating. When I looked no big deal, I didn't see anything but friends, most I had no idea who it was, I decided to take a break, it was agreeable not tense at all. In the last 2 months I learned, her fb friends I didn't know we're fake and someone in that group she was seeing, the 10 games at one time, sometimes more,words with friends, one word at a time told where they would meet, why would someone go to these lengths to deceive. I see her in church with someone new knowing she's doing the same thing. That's what I struggle with, thinking I might not trust again

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don't close your heart off to love because of this person. there are good people out there too. i think those feelings you got that something wasn't quite right was your cue to back up a bit and start really paying attention. i had a bad relationship where i was deceived time and time again, but i also can remember having that feeling that something wasn't right but going forward anyway and just ignored it. i was a very broken woman when all that ended but all is not lost. you can and will feel better in time. i was a lot more cautious going into the relationship i am in now, and it took me awhile to open up but now i know he is trustworthy. never had those "feelings" that something wasn't quite right with this guy. i hope you are feeling better soon.

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