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Is it a rebound relationship?

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Hi all!

Right, I broke up with a lying, cheating horrible boyfriend of a year and a half about two months ago. I was so heartbroken when I found out he'd been cheating on me, it hurt so much. I bought self-help books etc, did everything to make myself feel better. I also started being more social, and made more friends, including this one bloke Adam.

Ever since I've got to know Adam well I've really REALLY liked him, everything about him seems to be perfect. I can see his faults and I'm ok with them, he makes me feel better, he's everything my ex was not, he's intelligent, charming, interested in the things I like...

Basically, my ex is still beating me up over our break up, and I'm fed up with him and him doing this. I want to go out with Adam, as I think he likes me in that way, but if I did, would it just be a rebound relationship?

I'm really confused, because the severe hurt that I felt at my ex's cheating etc has completely gone ever since I got to know Adam, and I want him.

Please could someone tell me what I should do?

Thanks in anticipation of any replies,


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Well this really seems like a easy one to answer but I know to you it really seems hard because of your last relationship was like. You said that


"Ever since I've got to know Adam well I've really REALLY liked him, everything about him seems to be perfect. I can see his faults and I'm ok with them, he makes me feel better, he's everything my ex was not, he's intelligent, charming, interested in the things I like...


He everything your ex was not!! He makes you feel good!!


All I can say is if I found a woman that made me feel that way I would be calling them right now.


You really should go out with him.

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