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PUA and women


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But often PUA may be the only way which works. If you are targetting a hb10, how many options does she have? She has plenty of male attention so you have to do something better than the rest. You probably are not a HB10 so you dont know what the game is really like.

Well real HB10s like do not care about petty mind games. Last night a guy wanted to insult my area of work and my education and I told him I can care less about his ideas. You are not an AMOG but probably an AFC so it should not matter if she is a HB10.

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why is that wrong?


Because it leads to treating women purely as objects to be exploited for one's own benefit, without any consideration for them. That is wrong not because they are women, but because they are people.


you would feel the same if you were in that situation


I don't think I would feel resentful, because I don't feel entitled to sex or relationships.


Disappointed, sure, frustrated, sure, but not resentful, any more than I am resentful that it's raining. I'd much rather the sun was shining and would be happier if it was, but it's not an entitlement. Sometimes things just are the way they are and there's no "unfairness" to them.

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Because it leads to treating women purely as objects to be exploited for one's own benefit, without any consideration for them. That is wrong not because they are women, but because they are people.




I don't think I would feel resentful, because I don't feel entitled to sex or relationships.


Disappointed, sure, frustrated, sure, but not resentful, any more than I am resentful that it's raining. I'd much rather the sun was shining and would be happier if it was, but it's not an entitlement. Sometimes things just are the way they are and there's no "unfairness" to them.


why do you think its not an entitlement? PUA would say they are

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The use of PUA techniques, and the mindset of resentful entitlement that often seems to go with them.


I don't think PUA causes guys to become resentful, though. It's just resentful guys are more likely to turn to PUA in the first place. I also agree that some tactics can be morally wrong, or used morally wrong. But I don't think you should throw out the baby with the bathwater.

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Because it leads to treating women purely as objects to be exploited for one's own benefit, without any consideration for them. That is wrong not because they are women, but because they are people.


well not all people see it as wrong? Its just differences in opinion isnt it? no point arguing about it

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well not all people see it as wrong? Its just differences in opinion isnt it?


I think there's pretty broad consensus that treating people as less-than-people is wrong, though of course not everybody lives up all the time to the standards they espouse, I'll certainly grant you that.


How would you feel if groups of women got together to purposefully develop techniques to lead guys on then reject them? (I'm not denying that women do that, of course it happens quite often, but I don't think many at all systematically set out to manipulate men that way.)

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Because the people that wrote PUA know you are desperate and have no idea what you're doing. Their goal is to make money from selling books and anything they tell you is to that end.

Well the whole PUA "game" is about desperate men looking for desperate women. I think it is disgusting to prey on desperate people whether it be men or women.

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why do you think its not an entitlement? PUA would say they are


Why are you entitled to be given something by somebody else?


It may be a reasonable expectation and it may therefore be very disappointing when it doesn't happen, but that's not the same as an entitlement.

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"Why is it pathetic? Its fair if you have been mistreated to return it. As a punishment as you say."


"Women are basically machines that if you press the right buttons you will get the right results. Why is that unappealing? It is like getting you car to start."


"They are a mass really....Because they are just machines. Love is just an illusion."


I suspected this.


The things you're saying make me suspect (though it's not my place to on this site) you might possibly be a troll because most bitter resentful misogynists are still not dumb enough to say it so blatantly. That's just me being optimistic and hopeful because if you truly do think that way, you need serious help. Not in getting luckier with women, but in getting rid of this toxic mindset.

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I just said love is an illusion. He was probably an AFC himself before he snared you. It wont last

Love might be an illusion for you. I am sorry you feel that way. Love is one of the most beautiful things on this planet.

I am not afraid of something not lasting. We are not here forever. People come and go. I take things as they are and make the best of everything.

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I just said love is an illusion. He was probably an AFC himself before he snared you. It wont last


Do you think the guys you actually do well with women are so beta that they would get all of their ideas from someone else's book? Nothing could be more emasculating for you, really.

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Love might be an illusion for you. I am sorry you feel that way. Love is one of the most beautiful things on this planet.

I am not afraid of something not lasting. We are not here forever. People come and go. I take things as they are and make the best of everything.


He says this because he doesn't believe in love. He doesn't believe in its existence probably because he is unwilling to feel it himself. And from the other things he's said, there's no need to worry about anyone else believing him.

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Love might be an illusion for you. I am sorry you feel that way. Love is one of the most beautiful things on this planet.

I am not afraid of something not lasting. We are not here forever. People come and go. I take things as they are and make the best of everything.


what is love then? its just a clever way for you to hold your boyfriend captive as a prisoner. You are just a typical possessive girlfriend. If people come and go who needs love?

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