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PUA and women


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Aren't the pua artist tricks just basically help for guys with no soci skills?



If someone told me blatant lies about themselves to get into bed with me (about their job, lifestyle, etc) then I would be angry. If they used a dating coach or PUA tricks I wouldn't be upset.... Picking someone up is just getting your foot in the door to hopefully starting a relationship (if that's the intent)

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Some advice from Pick Up Artists is valid and good, like overcoming your nervousness and being cheerful to present yourself as "Mr. Awesome Fun." Or if you don't succeed with one woman, don't sweat it and just move on to the next.


But that's probably not what you're referring to. It's most likely the sleazier stuff.


If you're asking what our reaction would be to being tricked into sex we wouldn't have wanted otherwise, the answer should be pretty obvious.

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I'd feel sad for him that he couldn't just be himself. Wouldn't happen with me though, I am mega intuitive and complex for guys to trick me plus I don't like ordinary guys.


yeh but if it works for most women, then thats good enough. It doesnt have to work for every woman.

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I'd feel sad for him that he couldn't just be himself. Wouldn't happen with me though, I am mega intuitive and complex for guys to trick me plus I don't like ordinary guys.


This is exactly why the pua stuff works so well. If most guys just be themselves, well, they're ordinary. PUA teaches you to put on an act to pretend you're some super awesome fun guy to get women and it works, at least as far as getting a first date or a one night stand. Once she finds out he's actually just ordinary and was acting then it all unravels.

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I'd think he's ordinary IF he did the PUA trick cos that would make him more generic. Generic in the sense that he's not comfortable with himself and his vulnerability, many people aren't. Some awkwardness is endearing I think.

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I've never been in the market to be picked up. But to go along with the hypothetical...I guess it would depend on how open and honest he had been about his intentions about the future. Not just in words, but in implications and body language. If he presented sex as a great fun one time event and then left it up to me to accept or decline, then I guess I'd have no hard feelings. I'd admire his skill.


But if he lied, I'd have nothing but contempt for him. And I would warn everyone I knew about him.


Go ahead and learn to flirt, but don't lie in any fashion for short term gain. Not only will it ruin your reputation, it will make it impossible to follow up with any high quality woman you might want for a relationship.

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If youre a woman and and a guy slept with you and you later found out he had applied pick up artist tricks on you in order to **** you, how would you feel?


Would it not be helpful to ask yourself why you fell for the PUA tricks, if indeed they were implemented solely to bed you?

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This is exactly why the pua stuff works so well. If most guys just be themselves, well, they're ordinary. PUA teaches you to put on an act to pretend you're some super awesome fun guy to get women and it works, at least as far as getting a first date or a one night stand. Once she finds out he's actually just ordinary and was acting then it all unravels.
so what if it unravels? Theres plenty more women who will fall for it and plenty more lays
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so what if it unravels? Theres plenty more women who will fall for it and plenty more lays


Depends on what you're looking for. For me it was never a challenge to get women to sleep with me, so I got bored of it and have since looked for much more from my interactions with women. If you're a guy who didn't get much in high school or college, I guess I can see how you'd still be wanting to do this because sex is still new to you and/or hard to come by, hence your need to run a scam to get it.

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Depends on what you're looking for. For me it was never a challenge to get women to sleep with me, so I got bored of it and have since looked for much more from my interactions with women. If you're a guy who didn't get much in high school or college, I guess I can see how you'd still be wanting to do this because sex is still new to you and/or hard to come by, hence your need to run a scam to get it.


well its hard for every guy thats why theres a whole community of PUA dedicated to scamming women. Its usually the ones who act like its easy to get that arent getting any at all.

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well its hard for every guy thats why theres a whole community of PUA dedicated to scamming women. Its usually the ones who act like its easy to get that arent getting any at all.


It is not hard for every guy, it's hard for guys that don't have it by just being themselves. I've never had a dry spell of more than a week for the last 20 years and never put any effort into it either. Exercise, be yourself if yourself isn't a douche - that is all.

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It is not hard for every guy, it's hard for guys that don't have it by just being themselves. I've never had a dry spell of more than a week for the last 20 years and never put any effort into it either. Exercise, be yourself if yourself isn't a douche - that is all.


well there is no proof of what you are saying and we cant see what these women youve scammed look like. So unless you can provide proof its all invalid isnt it. If it was so easy you would not have had a dry spell even for one night. One week is still quite a long time to go without it.

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well there is no proof of what you are saying and we cant see what these women youve scammed look like. So unless you can provide proof its all invalid isnt it. If it was so easy you would not have had a dry spell even for one night. One week is still quite a long time to go without it.


I didn't say I ever scammed anyone and I could go years without sex if that had to happen, no biggie. There are many other things in life I enjoy just as much if not more. It's hardly my focus, which is probably why it's easy. When I was a kid sex was a big deal, but after years and years of getting plenty of it, it's like anything else, just something that happens - nothing to get overly excited about.

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I didn't say I ever scammed anyone and I could go years without sex if that had to happen, no biggie. There are many other things in life I enjoy just as much if not more. It's hardly my focus, which is probably why it's easy.


theres a whole community of men who have turned to PUA because nothing else had worked for them. And if you look on this forum you will see how difficult it is for guys to even get a date and eventually get laid if at all. Its a bit arrogant to say its easy for every guy when you cant speak for every guy. Just consider yourself lucky if youve had more than others.

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This is exactly why the pua stuff works so well. If most guys just be themselves, well, they're ordinary. PUA teaches you to put on an act to pretend you're some super awesome fun guy to get women and it works, at least as far as getting a first date or a one night stand. Once she finds out he's actually just ordinary and was acting then it all unravels.


That is pretty embarrising for any guy to try to do.


I don't like fakeness, and this pua garbage is the epitome of it.

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