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My gf is leaving for oz on Sunday need advice quick


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Hi folks


Need some advice


Quick background. My gf has had a really bad past and finds it hard to get close to anybody. In the 7 months we have been seeing each other of she gets close she thinks I will hurt her or cheat or leave her so she pulls away and I had put up with it until last weekend were I had had enough and I ended it.


So she came over on Tuesday and we talked and she admitted everything n was crying etc and has told me she's moving to oz on Sunday because she can't bare the thought of me with someone else or the thought of seeing me pushing a pram etc and there is nothing here for her anymore.


The Convo ended with her storming out because she accused me of still being in contact with my ex which I'm not. I know that she is bad for me n she has refused to get help. It's now been 2 days without contact And I miss her. I keep checking my phone hoping that she has text but in reality even if she does I probably won't reply.


What am I meant to do? Times running out if I'm going to do anything so need advice ASAP





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My advice is to let this one go. I know, much easier said than done, but let me tell you my reasoning.


She's a runner. She'll probably always be a runner. You two get close, she gets scared and she runs. I'd imagine if you two had a conflict of some sort, instead of talking it out she'd probably just bail.


And look at what's happening right now. You've ended it with her because no one can deal with this sort of thing forever, and instead of looking within, identifying her problems and trying to sort out her fears, what does she do instead? She runs. She's decided to move as if that's going to magically erase all her INNER issues.


She refuses to see that her fears of being hurt are becoming self-fulfilling prophecies by how she deals with him. And I don't know anything for certain, but it's very likely to me that if you two were to try again and work to stick it out, that she's just not capable of dealing with all the things that come along with a relationship. She'd rather run away.

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Are you sure she could really arrange to be moving to Australia on Sunday, after you two having that conversation only last weekend? What about passport and tickets etc? Anyway, you say she's bad for you, and you had decided you'd had enough, so why are you now doubting your decision? This always happens! People with their rational minds make a good decision for their own wellbeing, but faced with the reality of losing the person suddenly panic and go into denial about the harm the relationship is doing them. Thus it goes on and on.

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Are you sure she could really arrange to be moving to Australia on Sunday, after you two having that conversation only last weekend? What about passport and tickets etc? Anyway, you say she's bad for you, and you had decided you'd had enough, so why are you now doubting your decision? This always happens! People with their rational minds make a good decision for their own wellbeing, but faced with the reality of losing the person suddenly panic and go into denial about the harm the relationship is doing them. Thus it goes on and on.


I doubted it to but she has a friend livin out there and is going out as a holiday and then applying 4 a working visa while she is there. And yeah I no what your all saying makes sense but will my head listen to it??? Noooo lol my brain is just being evil because it wants her to text do that I can not reply showing that I have won when I clearly already have because she has to move away rather than see me with somebody else. And to be honest I daresay I will here from her again before she goes.

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