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Ex broke it off a week ago. But is being rude about it...

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Before my ex broke up with me, I caught her in a lie, talking to another guy. She said she had to lie about it because I'm really insecure and I should trust her more. After that, I lost all respect and trust for her, and from then it kind of went downhill. She broke up with me a week or so later, but then is now trying to rub it in my face that is she now talking to this guy. Posting in her profile that they are going to see each other and telling friends of mine that she is "talking" to him now, most likely to tell me so I'll get upset. It's funny because she has done this type of thing before with another guy, but didn't really like him.


What should I do here. I feel annoyed and upset that she is actually doing this to get to me, and it's actually getting to me. But I know that's why she is doing it. Should I ignore her or what... UGH, I'm pissed off.

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Of course you should ignore her.


See this as a test ( not that you will get her back if you pass but still ) : if you react, she gets the validation that she wants and she will see you even more as an insecure guy.


She's rubbing it in your face, that's disrespect. Let your silence deafen her.

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Ignoring her is not enough. Take few more steps towards your freedom and to ease the pain. I was in the similar situation and have decided to take an upper hand in the matter. I told my ex to go to see the guy she wanted to be with for a week. Meantime, I have collected all my things and moved out to stay with my friend. Now we are divorced. If you do it gracefully you are on the path to self-improvement, self respect and a new life.

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Best if you can unfriend her on facebook and avoid checking her status updates. You may be tempted but try your hardest not to check. You are at the delicate or sensitive stage at the moment and reading their status won't help you recover.


Channel your time instead to activities that will make you feel good, like catching up with friends, reading or travelling. She is not worth your valuable time...


Take care and good luck.

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I remember her.....I'm glad she actually broke up with you because I didn't think you had it in you to break up with her.


She is toxic, you don't need her. Look at how ridiculously immature she is, "i'm talking to so and so". So what, why does she have to go out of her way to make sure you know that? I M M A T U R I T Y.


Ignore her...

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I remember her.....I'm glad she actually broke up with you because I didn't think you had it in you to break up with her.


She is toxic, you don't need her. Look at how ridiculously immature she is, "i'm talking to so and so". So what, why does she have to go out of her way to make sure you know that? I M M A T U R I T Y.


Ignore her...


She is telling everyone that it's serious.... I guess.

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Dude she screams immature...telling all your friends, facebook stuff...she is looking for a reaction...best thing you can do is ignore it and go on like its nothing...


It hurts really bad. Even though our relationship wasn't healthy, I can't believe she got with someone so soon. It's been not even 2 weeks. I'm hurting pretty bad and want to tell her, but I know I shouldn't.... I feel sick

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