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Do you believe everything happens for a reason and as it should?


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The title basically says it all. This is something I wonder about and I'm really unsure of what I believe. Do you believe in fate - that everything happens for a reason and plays out as it is meant to... Or is that something people merely believe in to cope with hardships in life?

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I believe in God, not fate. He has a plan for each of us and, yes, that does include hardships.


I believe that God is Love, and He never allows anything to happen to me that isn't necessary for my growth.


It is such freedom to know that He is in control of every, single, tiny detail; everything that happens to me is for a reason. It will be interesting to see how it all works together when I pass over.


Others that don't believe in God, cope in other ways. The hardships are still there and God is still there.


Psalms 94:19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.


Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

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Here is my two cents. I do not see how fate could be real it is merely a perception that people view their own lives with to make better sense of all of it. Some people like mustard and ketchup on their hotdogs others don't, its all the same thing but it is how you view life that will determine what you believe. As with any perception of the different facets of life its your and you make it what it is. The best part is there is no wrong answer.

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So if you get or don't get a job, do you feel it was meant to work out that way? When a relationship ends do you feel there's a reason behind it all... Something guiding you?


I do, yes. In fact, I pray daily for God to direct me into His Will for me, regardless of what I think I should be doing. And I trust that He does so. While I can certainly say that there is a lot I don't understand about my life, I know without a doubt that God is real and His Word is true.


Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directs his steps.

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I do, yes. In fact, I pray daily for God to direct me into His Will for me, regardless of what I think I should be doing. And I trust that He does so. While I can certainly say that there is a lot I don't understand about my life, I know without a doubt that God is real and His Word is true.


Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directs his steps.


Thank you solamente. can you explain how you feel that God's path is different than fate?

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I I do not believe in fate. I do not believe in any god. Never have, never will.


Instead of wondering about things that you can't really control ("does god exist? Or not? What causes things to happen?") all you can really do is control how YOU react to things, good and bad.


Life is an oven that changes temperature. Be the clay bowl that will become more fiem and mature in the fire. Don't be the clay that explodes.


You only have yourself to control. Improve yourself and become a better person who is more able to deal with the hardships. Learn to rise above these hardships.

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Again that all depends on you. What force would cause you not to get a job. The only answer that I can find is yourself, for whatever reason. Maybe you didn't respond correctly to a question, or they do not like somebody with your hair color, the list could be endless. Same with relationships the only difference is that there are two people trying to make something work that fits both of their perspectives on a situation. Now I do not mean anything by using you as an example, but lets say your boyfriend of 5 years suddenly found somebody that treated him exactly the way that he wanted to be treated. No exterior force acted upon him to try and find somebody else. He just found what some people would say "something better". Or you found somebody else that made you feel like you have never felt before. However in both the employment scenario and the scenario with the boyfriend everything happened due to what the entities thought of one another.


Let me ask you a question. Since you are teetering between believing in fate and not. What are some of the reasons as to why would believe that fate does exist and everything happens for a reason? I do not mean to get off topic here.

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Mod Note: Please steer away from religious posts (as per ENA rules) or the thread gets closed.


Back on topic please. Thanks.

um, wasn't it a "religious" or theological or philosophical topic to begin with? (soooooooo confused)


babygirl00: feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss further. i don't understand how to answer belief type questions without discussing different beliefs. isn't that the whole point of forums --- to get other's opinions on various topics?

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um, wasn't it a "religious" or theological or philosophical topic to begin with? (soooooooo confused)


babygirl00: feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss further. i don't understand how to answer belief type questions without discussing different beliefs. isn't that the whole point of forums --- to get other's opinions on various topics?

Please read the forum rules. Politics and Religion are not allowed on ENA.

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Costntcrusader, I've just had certain things happen in life, syncronicity I suppose, that looking back seem like signs guiding me in a certain direction, whether that was a move or a job or a relationship. I hear people all the time say you will find what is meant for you but yet I still find it hard to believe.

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i do believe that everything happens for a reason, but for good, so even though you may have say, lost a job or your relationship ended, etc, it happened so that you could learn something about yourself and further yourself down the road of self-improvement. everything that happens has a lesson to it, you just have to look and accept that as a positive thing.

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i do believe that everything happens for a reason, but for good, so even though you may have say, lost a job or your relationship ended, etc, it happened so that you could learn something about yourself and further yourself down the road of self-improvement. everything that happens has a lesson to it, you just have to look and accept that as a positive thing.


I like that happpybear and I'm always looking for those lessons.

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The happiest people are those who believe that they have the power to change and grow. You can't always control what happens, but you can control how you react to it.


'Winners' and happy people take responsibility for themselves and their lives and getting what they want for themselves and put the effort into getting it. We all have our own individual will and intelligence and can choose to learn and grow and chart our course like someone steering a boat, or just aimlessly drift with no purpose and make no effort to improve themselves and go in a direction that will bring them happiness and joy rather than disaster.


So i believe that there is lots in life that happens that we cannot control (natural disasters etc.), but we CAN find happiness and improve our lives by the choices that we make. For example, it makes no sense at all for a person who has made no effort to educate and improve themselves, to keep applying for jobs they have no change of getting because they haven't put in the education and training and experience needed to qualify for the job, who passively sit and tell themselves, 'if it is meant to happen, i will get that job.' Then meanwhlie they are starving to death because they are being unrealistic and not evaluating their world to determine how to succeed vs. fail.


I see too many people who use the 'if it is meant to be it will be' excuse to be lazy, lack direction, passive, unrealistic etc. It will be far more likely to 'be' if you analyze what is needed to make it happen, and work towards it, and make constant wise choices and continue to evaluate and re-chart your course as life throws you new events and challenges.

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The title basically says it all. This is something I wonder about and I'm really unsure of what I believe. Do you believe in fate - that everything happens for a reason and plays out as it is meant to... Or is that something people merely believe in to cope with hardships in life?


I think fate means more than you said here, particularly it implies that events are pre-determined, which I do not believe at all. But of course, everything happens for a reason with the exception of the first thing that ever happened. I think it is, like many religions or philosophical ideas, something people use to make their lives easier for themselves and coping with hardships is part of that.

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