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Getting over someone you can't have.

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I really don't wanna tell the whole story because even thinking about it seems unreal and just plain out crazy. Maybe hearing others story or advise on the topic may help. Have any of you ever been heart broken over someone you barely know, or can't have let me say THIS is not a married man and I'm not married..... but circumstances of the situation would never work out so it seems and so you can't pursue it but it had you torn up. I'm like really going through it and it just seem out of character and unreal that I'm this down. Maybe because its fresh it seem like this. I've been able to let go break ups better than this. Mentally I'm not letting go but I have made the decision to move on and all the staying busy in the world is not helping right now. School, Work, Exercise. I will say meeting this person was different it just a moment that stands out in my mind like this is something your going to want to remember forever and it went downhill from there emotionally.... Anyone has similar stories or a little advise....

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It's human nature to want what you can't have or not supposed to have. It's also human nature to desire what is not abundant or freely available so that helps prolong your fantasy. Time and keeping busy will help dissipate these feelings over a period of time. Sorry to be so matter of fact but . . .good luck.

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Well, I don't have any real advice for you because it seems you're doing all you can. And because you're being very vague (which is fine.) I think you just have to be patient with yourself and you'll feel better in time.


But yes, I do know what it's like to not be able to be with someone only because of crummy circumstances, and it sucks. In some ways it can be more of a bummer than an actual breakup, because you believe that the two of you would make a great couple if only the circumstances could be different. I think it's probably something most people go through at least once in their life.


If you're absolutely powerless to change whatever circumstances are keeping the two of you apart, then the only thing to do is to keep busy and allow time to do its thing. Fill your life as much as possible with other things that bring you joy and eventually things will fall into place for you.

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