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I Need Advice (Sorry for any spelling errors)


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(Sorry if this is in the wrong topic it just felt more like personal growth than money/job issus to me)


I need advice on...well my life. At the moment I am living in the UK with my mom and dad but im not happy. I spent most of my life not knowing what i want to be but now I know. I want to be an actor in the US but my dad hates the US with a passion and will hate me if he finds out so I cant get any help from my mom or dad.

I think I may have a plan to get to the US and at least try but after I get there then what? I was planning on doing work as an extra to make a living but now im not sure if that can be done due to the fact that I am fat. I was planing to live off of the money I make from being an extra and use any extra money to hire a trainer to help me get fit but I cant get the money if im too fat and ugly to get the work. I never finishd school due to bullys so I cant get any normal jobs.

so I am at a loss of what to do and was hoping for any advice at all

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It is virtually impossible to become an extra. You need a SAG card, and in order to get one, you have to have 3 paid parts. In addition, if you don't have any acting ability, and are unfit -- you will not get any calls.


Working w/ an agency ---- photos...all takes start up money. And not being a US citizen...oh, yet another hurdle.


If you don't have a HS degree, than finish it at home.

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I doubt that your weight would prevent you working as an extra.


Much more difficult is likely to be immigration to the U.S., which is not easy without qualifications or money - in fact, virtually impossible.


Is there a reason that your ambitions have to be pursued in the U.S.? Why not start, at least, closer to home?

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I am still working out the flaws in my idea to move to the US so that may get better. ask for my skill I am very good at acting so i was just thinking i can somehow just get by on raw talent. I hate the UK I have never been happy in the UK. it always seems like i am the only good persion in the country. even my best (and only) friend is a mean selfish persion who often seems like she is just using me for attension. I want to move as soon as i can. by the way what did you mean when you said I may not be able to get in to the US?

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I am very good at acting so i was just thinking i can somehow just get by on raw talent.


Talent helps of course, but there are many practicalities too. Have you considered drama school?


I hate the UK I have never been happy in the UK. it always seems like i am the only good persion in the country. even my best (and only) friend is a mean selfish persion who often seems like she is just using me for attension.


There are things here to dislike, for sure. But that seems a rather sweeping statement, and I wonder if your unhappiness is really with the UK specifically...or with other aspects of your life.


what did you mean when you said I may not be able to get in to the US?


You need a visa or a residence permit (often called a Green Card) to work in the U.S. and they are difficult to get unless you have very specialist skills and qualifications. Like many countries, the U.S. doesn't want to let in all and sundry who will compete with Americans for jobs.


Britain has a very thriving film and TV industry and I really think you would be better off looking to start a career closer to home. If that works out, then you could consider a move at a later date.

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You may have all the talent you want, but with low self esteem....the talent may not take you very far. Consider finding the inner you and then set realistic goals. Also, distinguish between a wish or desire from a goal. For example...migrating to the US is real a desire rather than a goal.

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