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My Ex is acting crazy


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So I've been posting on and off here for a while and usually I have alot of weird drama. But today it's not me (thankfully) it's my ex. Here's the short history to catch everybody up. About 4 months ago I decided that I wanted to talk to my ex. We dated for 4yrs and had a real bad break up that was all my fault. So I mailed him a letter, the next day I saw a drawn picture on the web, thought it was him and it turned out it was. So we've been kinda talking ever since then.

We've also been having sex since about the second week we were talking. Then, we went to a bar where some loser kept hitting on me and he got obviously jealous, so we leave the bar and he tells me that he slept with another girl since we've been sleeping together. So...... not being his g/f I say it's cool. Then after a little cool down period I call him up and say that we can still have sex, but not if he still wants to sleep with other people. He's says that he doesn't want to have sex with anybody anymore, including me. But then I see him two days later and we have sex. Which I told him again that if we were going to have sex he couldn't sleep with anyone else. He's totally ok with that.

So that was like two months ago, and everythings been ok. He's still kinda distant, he only wants to hang out with me at the bar, we don't talk as much as I would like, but it's going good, slow, but good. But when we do have sex then he stays the night and hangs at my house the whole next day, so it doesn't seem to me like it's just a booty call. I even called him for one (a booty call) and he seemed a little upset by it.

Anyway, so then Tues, he starts texting me, (which is weird, usually I initiate contact) so we text for a little bit, then he calls and were talking. He bust out with, what is the difference between what we're doing and a relationship. Basically he feels like I have suckered him into a relationship and he just found out. He has made it very clear that he does not want to get into a relationship with me. So we talk about this for hours, he's screaming at me on the phone, he's just so angry about the whole situation, he just wants to be friends and why don't I understand that. Which I'm telling him the whole time that that sux a little bit, but we can do whatever he wants. So we finally get off the phone, I send him an email the next day just letting him know that it's cool that were just friends and we don't have to have sex. And now it's Friday and no reply. Please note that this guy is super emotional, but wtf???? Anyone got any insite on this?????

Ohh... I almost forgot the most important part... He said that since we were being "intimite" (cuddling, tickling....) Then he was starting to have feelings, and he wanted to make sure that he didn't because he doesn't want to have those feelings for me.

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  • 2 months later...

he misses some parts of your old relationship including sex guys like sex and i think he may just be using you for it even tho he hangs around all the next day it just seems like he is for some reason he doesnt sound like he wants a relationship lol well duh and he says he doesnt want any feeling for you but he always says he will just have sex with you....weird but anyway he sounds like hes not worth your time

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he misses some parts of your old relationship including sex guys like sex and i think he may just be using you for it even tho he hangs around all the next day it just seems like he is for some reason he doesnt sound like he wants a relationship lol well duh and he says he doesnt want any feeling for you but he always says he will just have sex with you....weird but anyway he sounds like hes not worth your time

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