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what affects does Alchohol has on a human body?

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Hey wassup people, my friend is a beginner drinker He and I hear from friends alot that drinking is bad for health, He wants to know what way is it bad?, increases the chance of heart attack?, increases the chance of cancer? what is it Please let me know, ur help will be appreciated!

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As far as I know alcohol has no effect on cancer. It does screw up your brain, however. First off, alcohol is a poison that can kill most living things. It does a bunch of nasty stuff to you that you definitely won't like assuming you drink to get drunk. When drunk, you have limited control over yourself, and you think exceptionally poorly. One or two beers doesn't have much effect on your brain, but they certainly don't help it much.


Of course, it isn't without it's pluses. It can make sex better, it can make you loosen up. It helps people relax, and makes you look and talk funny.


You can choose, do you think that the pluses are better than the minuses?

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Of course, it isn't without it's pluses. It can make sex better, it can make you loosen up. It helps people relax, and makes you look and talk funny.



That is actually a bit wrong,.... Having sex when drunk is a bad thing since u just jump into it you dont think aobut protection and in a childrens book i read about booze it says ure less likely to be adble to keep an erection up when drunk but it can make you relax just mae sure you dont over do it since it can cause heart poblems and liver failure



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I don't know whether alcohol is really detrimental for your health, as cigarettes. But it is very detrimental for your mental health, that even worst!


Alcoholics may become addicted and lose control over their lifes. It's like a drug, once you start, it is difficult to stop. Better not to start liking it. Your friend does not want to become a real loser, problems at work, paranoia, problems with his future wife, hit his kids, problems with the police, drinking and driving. He better stops now, before it gets worst.

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