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He let me go and now he's texting


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Okay, so the guy I've been posting about. A quick synopsis: we dated on and off for a year and a half, he was dating another girl at the same time as me, she's my age (27) but with a 3 year old son, I knew about her but she didn't know about me and they had been seeing each other for less time... Once I found out he was sleeping with both of us at the same time, I walked away two weeks ago. I'm trying to start a business and he knew I was looking for a graphic designer so last week he gave a friend of his that he works with my phone number to help with my website/logo. I sent a text just saying "thanks" and got no response. Exactly one week later (tonight), he sends me a text.


He's got this huge complex about his **** size and how big he is. For instance, always wanting to know how he compares to guys in my past or comparing himself to objects such as fruit or vegetables or office supplies. When I told him two weeks ago that I met someone else he asked who's **** was bigger??? Seriously?!?! and he expected an actual answer, I don't know what's crazier. So, tonight the text message said "p.s... I know I'm still bigger".


What do I make of that?

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Ugh. Sorry - but that guy is really, really c*cky and just full of himself.


First - he was sleeping with both of you and lying to her about it (lying by omission is still lying - do you really think she'd still be with him if she knew about you?). It was nice of him to help out with your business, but there was probably an ulterior motive there (ie: to keep you thinking he's a "nice guy", so that you can be the backup plan). When you sent the "thanks", he reads it as "I still want you" (because he thinks with his penis). Now he wants you to stroke his ego and tell him that he's awesome.


BTW - I don't think this way about all men - but this guy seems "special".


What to make of it? Be glad you are out. Can you imagine if you were this other girl? Would you want your bf talking to some other girl that way? ("I'm bigger aren't I... I know I'm bigger and you still want me"). Ugh.


The sleeze factor is high with this one.

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I would tell him that you're with someone who is thicker and more pleasurable than he could ever dream of being. That he's a toothpick compared this stallion. Then block his number so you don't have to hear his responses.


Let him go with a sting in his ego.

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I completely fell in love with him before I realized how much of a douche he was. He's so closed emotionally too. He thinks being sad is a choice. Didn't think about how me just saying thanks could be misinterpreted as "I still want you"... Interesting. If I don't respond will he keep texting or is he just testing the waters to see if I'm waiting around for him?


I don't think he's a narcissist. I think it's more of a superiority complex because deep down it's rooted with insecurity.

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Not sure why you liked someone like that tbh, but I'm assuming hes some really ripped body builder and the physical attraction was strong? Thats the only way I'm going to make sense of it lol...


But I do agree that being sad is a choice, sometimes that choice is forced upon you but people who can't get over sadness are often the ones who chose not to somewhere subconsciously not letting go.

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Worrying about size is such a weird thing...I'll never understand it. let me guess the only brand of rubber this guy ever used was "Magnum" right? LOL geesh I swear they stretch to unbelieveable sizes and I doubt those are actually made any larger they just caterto guys who need to feel important in that area. Some people just needs validation...and it's not just guys how many women do you know that ask "if she skinnier than I am?" Lost of people are like this...obviously over the time you were together you tolerated this behavior....you let him talk like this before and he hasn't quite learned that it has to be different now that you aren't together anymore. If you're planning to remain friends then you need to let him know that you don't discuss those types of thing with your friends and if he continues to bring it up you won't be able to be friends...You need to have boundaries.

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Actually for the first year he wasn't like this at all. The honeymoon stage, if you will. I knew he was kinky and there's nothing wrong with that but not with these insecurities. I tolerated this behavior for about 6 months and once I realized how sad he was, I walked away

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Actually for the first year he wasn't like this at all. The honeymoon stage, if you will. I knew he was kinky and there's nothing wrong with that but not with these insecurities. I tolerated this behavior for about 6 months and once I realized how sad he was, I walked away


Okay so you only put up with it for 6 months.....sorry my bad.


My point it at some point weather it was a smart (or even conscious move) on your part you did allow this kind of behavior and if you want it to stop now you have draw your boundaries and if he can't respect them you have to walk away.

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He texted me again the other day and I just answered vaguely standing my ground that I needed to keep him at an arms length.


Told me about how he thinks about me when he's with his girlfriend and f*cked her harder imagining that it was me. I was like seriously?! Really don't need to hear that. He tried sexting me and telling me everything he missed about me.


I'm annoyed, beyond annoyed. I don't hate him. But I just don't get it either. I suppose it's impossible to make sense of it. I honestly feel bad for his gf. If he decided to chose me, I could have been the one in the dark. Thinking about me when he's with her is just so messed up.

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