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Finding friends and more

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Hey. Dino what to do, I would really like to have a relationship. I'm a lesbian and struggle to find anyone that are gay let alone chemistry. Friends are hard to find. I'm currently at uni and weirdly a very straight one! We have an lgbt group, but very much dominated by men and clubbing which I don't like. Searched for local groups near uni. No joy.

I tried things I'm interested in, not easy to fire a friendship let alone anything else. Guess I feel like more failures the more low I feel and Lonely. End up giving up. Anyone got any ideas?

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Why are you searching specifically for a gay friend? I'm straight and I don't specifically look for straight friends. They are what they are and their sexual orientation doesn't affect whether or not they can play basket ball, crib and enjoy beer and chicken wings.


edit: your post is unclear if you are looking for love or for friendship. Sorry, my advice is directed at friendship.

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