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Seeking advice... I have been in a relationship for 8 months but my boyfriend is a TAGGED addict that is the website which most people go on and normally hook up wit d opposite sex. I was once on it, however i came off it when my boyfriend and i started getting serious. He told me he was off it but found out he made a new account and on it again. We had a huge argument about it and his excuse is that he had friends on it and he doesnt want to exchange his # with them so he rather join back the website to keep in touch. I do not trust him on the site and it bothers me alot that he is on it. E uses skype alot and also facebook and says he has to keep in touch with his friends, and was rude to say he cannot revolve his world around me entirely because he as to have friends in his life too and he prefers to have female friends. He keeps telling me he loves me and him being on the site is not about dating its jus meeting friends....Would do u suggest i do? Should i trust him? Its hard to trust him on those social websites. Help please!!!!

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If he wanted to keep in touch with his friends that badly he would find a way to do it other than through this web site -he could create a special e-mail account for example. He wants to continue to advertise himself as single and available to hook up. He's probably not an addict- he simply enjoys keeping his options open to hook up with other women. If it were me it would be a total dealbreaker (and of course you had to find out about the account -he didn't tell you, for obvious reasons.

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thats exactly how i feel, says he has up in a relationship status on his profile, but i keep telling him women will still send him messages and want to talk to him even though he put up that status. I just cant trust him and i find it so hard to let him go.

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I had to look up Tagged as I was not familiar with it and I was actually surprised to learn it wasn't a dating site and is actually open to users 13 years and older. I'm not entirely sure where your insecurity and lack of trust comes from -- is it the website itself or because most of his friends are female? Does he have a history of finding women on there and meeting up for sex? Do you trust him on other social networking sites, like Facebook?


I don't see anything wrong with the website at first glance, but his need to surround himself with females raises a red flag to me. I personally find it alarming when a guy has a vast amount of online female friends because in my experience the conversations are almost always flirtatious and sexual in nature, and continue like that even when said guy is in a relationship. So in that respect, I completely understand why you would be worried.

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thanks for ur comment, when he meeets the girls on tagged he adds them to facebook.... most of what is done on Tagged is dating people seeking relationships etc because i was on it as i said and came off. I do not trust him on any website. He has an iphone so you know it as all these apps facebook, tagged, tango, skype, etc... The reason y i dont trust him is because he was communicating to this girl he said was just a friend on tagged in last summer he ended up adding the girl to facebook, then 1 day he was so upset wit me for no reason then i realize the girl was no longer on his facebook page, call me insecure but i went on the girl page in december and saw her with a young baby and the girl friends commenting said congrats ashley etc... I laughed to myself and said probably he was interested in her and found out she is pregnant and thats y they are no longer friends and from that i lost all trust in him. I dont know if am over reacting or wat.

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