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Im still thinking about him....thats strange


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I think if some of you read my previous threads regarding my last weekend trip you would understand my story....

Were just three days me and him spent together and then it ended....i left without even giving him a hug ,a kiss ......i stormed out his place after he had told me that this may not work out for long term in other words.Why ? Why do i feell like this ? i felt like he took away from the chance of being with him .I stood in his arms for three nights ,watching him falling a sleep.Nothing happened as far as flesh ( no sex )....yet i felt like he was mine.

It will mark 2 weeks tomorrow since we last spoken.I did not contact him,and nor he did.I wonder if he forgot about me....I did not .I still remember his beautiful face and the way he made me laugh.

I cried last night....I want to speak to him but do not know what to tell him,since i already left him a letter when i left....what i know is ..i miss him.I miss him and i wonder if he ever thinks of me ,ever.....i wonder if he recalls my laugh,my smile,my tears,if he wonders what might or could have been.


Life goes on and it has is reasons,but why do i feell this way ?

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If it's been 2 weeks and he hasn't contacted you, it's obvious that a relationship is improbable with him.

Perhaps when you two met, he realized that it just wasn't going to work out with you. He's moving on with his life, and you should do the same with yours.


That's the thing with online relationships. Before you allow the relationship to blossom, meet in person to make certain that you two are compatible and click with one another. If you fall for someone over the internet and get your hopes up prior to meeting them, you'll find yourself incredibly let down/depressed when you two decide to meet and the other party decides that it just doesn't feel right.


Two words: MOVE ON.

Don't think about him. Don't text him. Don't call him. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

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By the way: Here's a little story for you. I went through a similar situation in the past.... I've posted it on other threads but am unsure if you read it or not.


A couple years ago, I met a guy through a friend who thought that we would be really compatible. She gave him my phone number and gave me his, and we began texting and talking to one another on the phone. At first, I blocked out romantic feelings towards him because he lives so far away and, well, I hadn't met him in person yet. A month went by and we began talking more and more. He would e-mail me throughout the day when he couldn't use his phone, and we would text and talk over the phone at night. We basically talked nonstop. Then, he began telling me he loves me and that's when I let my guard down. I fell for this man before even meeting him in person, and vice-versa. I "knew" that he was the one for me.


Anyway... we met about a month later and everything seemed wonderful during the first night of his visit. He drove the 8 hours to stay in a hotel near me for a week, and we had all these fun activities planned. The next day, when I drove to the hotel he was staying at, he acted extremely awkward towards me. I finally asked him what was wrong, and he told me that his ex-girlfriend called him and said that she might be pregnant with his baby... and for that reason, he needed to cut the visit short to see what was going on. Naturally, I was upset because I really felt as if he was so right for me, but I also understood the situation.


He left the next morning and told me that he'd call me to let me know he made it home safe. Sure enough, he never called. Throughout the next week or so, I would text him and ask how he was holding up, to which he would send a short reply and then ignore anything else I had to say after that. I became miserable. I realized that a relationship was very improbable and made myself a basket case over it. I would cry on a regular basis. I would rarely go out and do anything because I was too depressed. I attempted to call and text him several times, just to remain close to him, but he eventually ignored me completely. This happened for about three weeks before I finally realized just how stupid I was.


Here I was, making my own life miserable over some guy who I hardly knew. I met him once, but there I was acting as if I had just split up with a boyfriend I'd been with for years. He was obviously moving on with his life, but I was the fool who essentially "shut down" because of him. That is where I stopped and picked up the pieces. I cut all thoughts of him out of my life and moved forward... I chalked it up to experience. In just a few days, I had gotten over everything. I laughed it off.


He called me in July to confess to me that the entire "pregnancy" was made up... He created a lie to use as an excuse because he didn't feel a spark between us. At least the guy you talked to told you straightforwardly that it wasn't going to work out.. Anyway, you really do need to move on with your life. There is no need to hold yourself back from living a happy, productive life because he sure ain't doing that!

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U are right .....istill miss him .lol.I m just scared not to find myself in the same situation as i was with my ex LDR where 4 years he was back n forth with me.It drained me ,because i wanted to let go and i could not ,since i was chasing after him after he was telling me he no longer feells the same.He would still lead me on if id give him the chance.....


Just like you i miss this guy.Dont know why.We never even had sex,even though he did try.I guess is the rejection part that hurts .


On my case he did nto cut this visit short.....actually after we ,,had the talk '' he stated he will take me to a restaurant in the evening and following day watching him play softball.

I was so sad about what he told me,that i left his apartment where i was staying for the past 3 days and booked me a hotel room...that was last time i saw him.He told me ,,he was shocked that i left and he wished i had stayed.....and 2000 miles was not going to work

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It ended so sad....we are not even friends.He has told me that he thinks we should not even be friends in order for me to focus on other things....it was hard when i got that text message.I felt like it ended before it even started....i got too sentimental ,too soon and thats what pushed him away.I pushed him away when i revealed that i am in love with him.

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