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Feeling Burned Out

Angel Irulan

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I was just outside letting my dog out to go potty and all I could hear was the noise of the highway I live off of. I moved recently and got out of the inner city, but I still have all that artificial noise. I want to go out into the county so much! What's keeping me here? Money, a lease, my dad's cancer battle. When it's all over, I want to pick up and move to the West Coast for a while. To get into a new place, a new frame of mind, and to start over. My family is against it, because I retired early and have so little money and no relatives out West. What would you do? I seek change, and the sooner the better.



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I was just outside letting my dog out to go potty and all I could hear was the noise of the highway I live off of. I moved recently and got out of the inner city, but I still have all that artificial noise. I want to go out into the county so much! What's keeping me here? Money, a lease, my dad's cancer battle. When it's all over, I want to pick up and move to the West Coast for a while. To get into a new place, a new frame of mind, and to start over. My family is against it, because I retired early and have so little money and no relatives out West. What would you do? I seek change, and the sooner the better.




well, the west coast is definitely not the "country". you did mean to say you wanted to go out into the country, right?


almost any coastal area in the U.S. is very crowded. unless you are wealthy, and have a private beach, you will not get the peace and quiet that you are imagining is there. furthermore, housing can be quite expensive. you would probably pay more to rent a room from someone than what you would pay for a mortgage in the real "country".


coasts are nice to visit, but if you are wanting less hustle and bustle, it is not where you want to live.



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I'm sorry about your Dad. My heart goes out to you.


I just say to my family who never agrees with me some version of, "I hadn't thought of that, I'll consider it." Then I go and do whatever I want.


Regarding other noise, I keep pocket boxes of little foam earplugs in my coats. I first used them to see loud bands, and for flying a lot on Screaming Baby Airlines. Now I use them in movie theaters and to buff down neighbor noise and traffic. They're the closest I can get to serenity in the city--they do help.

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Thanks catfeeder, I'll try the foam earplugs. I wanted to move to Colorado some where out in the boonies for a while. However, that does complicate things because of long distances to try to find a job and just being near a hospital so I always get care. I have to think about it. Of course, while my dad is still around I can't go anywhere, but after that, all bets are off!


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