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What is the truth?

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The last relationship I was in failed and over the last 7 months I have worked through every aspect of that relationship what went wrong how I messed up what I need to fix etc. I'm still madly in love with this chick... I know that when I move on and find a new gf ill be appealing to her and shell reach out. I dont want to put myself in a love triangle. What is the truth about this sort of thing? I feel like if I just take on a **** it attitude and forget her I'll be missing out an opportunity to actually make something meaningful happen. If I just move on and leave it to the will of god will I get exactly what I need to have love again or will I be passing up on a great opportunity with this girl? I just want some way to let her kno I'm worth another try.

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Why do you feel compelled to tell her you deserve another try? Think about how much you have grown in the last 7 mo. and the strength you have built-up. Think about the pain you felt when you initially broke up. If you tell her you think you should try again all the power you have built-up will be lost and you will essentially have to start from scratch. You will feel that pain again. Be very very very careful when/if you communicate with her. You say your still madly in love with her so I STRONGLY advise you not to contact her at ALL.

The fact of the matter is she left you (this is the sense I am getting). If she wanted to give it another try she will contact you and EVEN THEN she can just be playing games. Its best to just move on from this entirely.

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This is a difficult process for you. Do what is best for you, which is to use that knowledge you have learned and apply it to the next relationship. No one is perfect and I am sure if you think about it she has her many flaws too. There is nothing REALLY that special with this "chick" if there was she would see that in you, but she doesn't.

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