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Do i have a Chemical Imbalance ?

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I don't like how all this stuff sounds.

So something really is WRONG with me ? Not sure i can digest this right now!


JoJo, I promise you there is something wrong with ALL of us. It's just different things. I wouldn't lie to you. You will find this out one day. We just have to work around our problems the best we can.

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Oh really no one knows that something is wrong you have to see a doctor to know that. It is just that some chemical imbalances are inherited. For instance my father is bipolar. He had a bipolar mother and has bipolar sister as well. Being bipolar is well known to be genetic. My brother and I lucked out and did not inherit that. However our children could.


I would encourage you to see a doctor though.

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Oh really no one knows that something is wrong you have to see a doctor to know that. It is just that some chemical imbalances are inherited. For instance my father is bipolar. He had a bipolar mother and has bipolar sister as well. Being bipolar is well known to be genetic. My brother and I lucked out and did not inherit that. However our children could.


I would encourage you to see a doctor though.


I refused to live knowing if it was true.

To see what my mother went through and being a prescription drug addict to cope.

She was judged and made fun of due to her depression.

I knew she had a bi-polar disorder as well.

I guess she got tired of feeling like a sore thump in this world.

My mom seem fine to me until she got addicted to her meds.

She was smart, a law graduate and things going for herself.

But i hate labels, and i hated knowing she had that stamp on her forehead.

She just wasn't fit to live knowing something was wrong with her. She pulled the plug!

As time went on, i don't blame her. She was in a lot of pain!

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I refused to live knowing if it was true.

To see what my mother went through and being a prescription drug addict to cope.

She was judged and made fun of due to her depression.

I knew she had a bi-polar disorder as well.

I guess she got tired of feeling like a sore thump in this world.

My mom seem fine to me until she got addicted to her meds.

She was smart, a law graduate and things going for herself.

But i hate labels, and i hated knowing she had that stamp on her forehead.

She just wasn't fit to live knowing something was wrong with her. She pulled the plug!

As time went on, i don't blame her. She was in a lot of pain!


Many bipolar people live full happy lives with the proper medication. It is pretty much only a sentence to those who don't take their medication properly. It is been a sentence to my dad because now he lives in poverty with nothing and no one. His sister is entirely different she has a husband and a child and grandchild and she does very well. It is all if you're prepared to take care of your illness.

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I don't believe that it's something inherit.

Just life can take a toll on a person and affecting them in some way.

I am a very emotional person , and that make it harder for me.

I'm not easy at letting things go, putting it aside and not worrying about it.

I let it consume me and that's always been a weakness of mines.


Now for my mother, she had a very tough life.

Maybe feeling unloved growing up, and being on her own all her life.

My grandmother never taught her anything growing up. But, preach about Jehovah and paradise.

To this day she's the same way with her grand kids.

That's why everyone really keep their distant because of her religious beliefs.


I believe what started for my mom she got into a bad car wreck in New Orleans in the early 90's.

Went through the windshield, you couldn't tell she been in a wreck.

She told me, she still have a little piece of glass in her head they didn't get out for whatever reason.

Maybe that's when it all started.

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