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Valentines Day Dread

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I knew there would be a thread on this soon, and yes this will probably be the worst day of the year for me.. im predicting my ex may even get engaged on this day, she's so gung ho for this new guy of her's at least she was when she left me for him. It is what it is.. its only one day thats how you have to look at it. At least I'll save money on a meal this year, there are so many singles out there dont feel like you're the only single one on Valentines Day. This will be the first year in 5 years that I'll be single on it, and I'll probably have a hard time because I remember having such good memories on this day with my ex in the past.. My only suggestion would be to do something else this day, get take out, go to the gym, stay busy this day doing something because it will be hell for most people being replaced, I plan on running 8 miles that day at the gym, getting take out, taking a hot bath and watching sports all night.

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I've read many of your posts sports guy and I always relate. I'm going through similar things. I was with my ex for five years too. I've been asked out by someone really great but it just doesnt take away pain of being replaced and seemingly forgotten after so much with someone. Thanks for the great advice!

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I was thinking about Valentines Day the other day and personally, the way I look at it is that honestly, it's just another day of the year. It's really no different than any other day. If a bunch of candy and card companies didn't exist, Valentines day wouldn't exist and there's be no novelty. If you think about it, your ex-loved one can do the same things that you're dreading them doing on Valentines day, on any other day of the year. Therefore, in reality, it's all in our heads.

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That's true Matt and I will remind myself of that. Typically though it's one day many of us know will be extra special and romantic to our exes. At least I don't know what other days are being spent all lovey... But I'll just keep telling myself it's another day and try to redirect those painful thoughts when they come up.

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First time single for a Valentine's Day in 7 years. I felt like it's a normal day when I was in a relationship and now it's suddenly a big deal. =/


Yeah, first time single on Valentine's Day since high school... I'm 28 now. It sucks. I don't even have any single female friends that I can go out with. Everyone's married.

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Yes i'm dreading V-day!! I know he'll have planned something special with her. It will be their first Valentines day together. It will be my first alone in 6 years.

I am not sure what i'll do yet.


First i need to get tomorrow out of the way as it's his birthday.

*Deep breath*

One step at a time.



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Yes i'm dreading V-day!! I know he'll have planned something special with her. It will be their first Valentines day together. It will be my first alone in 6 years.

I am not sure what i'll do yet.


First i need to get tomorrow out of the way as it's his birthday.

*Deep breath*

One step at a time.




Hi Limiya !! I have been following your story since day 1 !!!! You have came a long way !! I can tell you are a very strong person!! its going to be hard tomorrow but you can do it !!

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Ugh somebody use the V word, not looking forward to the massive commercial hype for this day. Last year I was on holiday somewhere nice and hot with my ex, even though the red flags where starting to flutter in the gathering wind I stupidly, blindly mmm even pathetically believed in her and the relationship.

We arrived on valentines day and as we got to our room and started to unpack I produced my thoughtfully chosen card with its heart felt message inside telling her what she meant to me and she looked at me sheepishly and muttered something about just not having the time to get a card!............ Correct I guess as a mere 2 weeks later she took me to the "boyfriend exchange" and traded me in for a nicer younger model........pfft

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I really detest Valentine's day for the reasons I am seeing in this thread. The candy/flowers/card industry has hyped it up to the point where it is ubiquitous - it is everywhere and there is no way to avoid it. It is a day that puts pressure on men to "get it right or else" and a day that (some) women use to "show up" other people around them with "look what MY boyfriend got me" kinds of statements. It is a day that has become about consumerism and materialism. It has become a day when "spend time with someone you love" actually translates to "Buy the most expensive present or she'll think you are cheap" or "go somewhere expensive or you will be disappointed in your relationship." How much you love your partner has become directly proportional to the money you spend on them that ONE day out of the year which is INSANE and total crap.


It makes singles feel bad or people recently out of relationships feel bad when they shouldn't.


It is a HORRIBLE holiday.


My husband and I do not celebrate it.

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The relationship had already gone to pot last year and we weren't speaking so not dreading it so much this year.


From a positive perspective it is an overhyped commercialised commodity these days and if you love someone, you don't need valentines day to tell them.


It does however put the lack of a relationship under a magnifying glass and make you feel more lonely than usual. Its just rubbing your face in that fact you've got no one to spend it with.


Last year I got a lovely card from my nieces and a book every cloud has a silver lining which I dip into from time to time.

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my ex didn't leave for someone else but I imagine he will probably go out on this day and chat girls up, he is good looking and has had no problem dating since the split. I will be spending it with a girlfriend drinking wine, make sure you spend it with another single friend, don't be alone!

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