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Too soon to be exclusive? Mismatched speeds, maybe?


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If he has not brought up exclusivity, and he is still online, then he is clearly still interested in dating other people.


I don't think a few days' crossover between "thinking of exclusivity" and "taking down the profile" are necessarily a big deal. Even when my gf and I agreed exclusivity, I didn't pull it immediately - I wasn't looking at the site any more anyway, so actually dealing with the profile was just an administrative detail to be handled before the next billing cycle. Perhaps unromantic, but realistic.

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I haven't expressed that I want to be exclusive (although I do), and my profile is online too. So there goes your hypothesis!


I told him that I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that if he's still looking for other dates.


after our fourth date, I unilaterally took my profile down, as I am not interested in anyone else, and want to focus on just him


Quoted for accuracy.


I know how he feels about me. He's articulated several times that he likes me and he's looking for something deep and hopes we end up in that direction.


What he has not articulated is whether he's still interested in dating other people.


If he was trully hoping to end up with something deep with you then he'd respond to your obvious requests to stop dating other people and focus on you as you have clearly indicated you are ready and willing to do with him.


Talk is cheap.


Actions speak much louder.

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Really? I haven't expressed that I want to be exclusive (although I do), and my profile is online too. So there goes your hypothesis!


You said you took yours down early on. You also told him you didn't want to be physically intimate if he was still looking for other dates, which clearly implies that you are not. Not trying to beat up on you here, but be honest with yourself. He knows you want to be exclusive.... you may not have said the words, but you've danced all around it in a rather obvious way. His response to your prodding about dating other people was silence, followed by logging back into the dating site. I agree that it doesn't necessarily mean he will NEVER want to be exclusive, but it doesn't sound like you two are on the same page right now. In my experience, delaying the conversation only leads to bitterness/frustration/sadness - only you can determine how long you will wait.

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