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One evening on ENA...


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Today, 9pm



I am planning on cooking my girlfriend spaghetti for dinner, but discovered that the local deli was out of Parmesan cheese. Can anyone suggest a good substitute?




Today, 9:02pm



Dump her man! Expecting cheese on her spaghetti spells C.H.E.A.T.I.N.G...have you not noticed the first three letters yet?????????




Today, 9:03pm



It depends. If she is a 6, and you are a 15, then the cube root of cheese indicates that you can expect her strands of spaghetti to form a figure 8. But if she is a 4, and you are a 5, then you’re too young to be handling boiling water anyway.




Today, 9:06pm



I am in a similar situation with my gf. I bought all the Parmesan cheese in my local deli and then discovered I have no spaghetti. Luckily my gf is a mouse so I am hoping we can get thru this.




Today, 9:06pm



Dump her man! Mice are frigid. Have you not noticed the last three letters yet??????????




Today, 9:07pm



Update: I texted her and she said it was cool, she has some cheese and she is bringing it with her. Whew! I’m excited and nervous!




Today, 9:08pm







Today, 9:08pm



I am lik in a simaliar situaton wit my bf he is a pece of cheese and he is grate to me tho he live 250000 miles away we txt lik every wk do u think we shd skype 2 or is he jus playing games




Today, 9:09pm



He should dump you before you dump him on Skype.




Today, 9:09pm



A mouse fell in the spaghetti pan and I had to throw it out. We’re getting Chinese instead.




Today, 9:10pm



In that case I recommend you order numbers 4, 5, 6, 12, 15 and the egg rolls.




Today, 9:11pm



You did the right thing to dump that cheating spaghetti. Next!

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LOL, great...You did leave out, "I once got food poisoning from cheese so now I hate all cheeses."


Cheese has it easy. Us cheese-eaters have to do all the work - the buying, the unwrapping, the slicing, the grating, the eating - while the cheese just sits there and makes no effort. It's SO UNFAIR!

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