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I've been working with this guy for approximately 6 months. We both graduated this year from the same college but didn't know each other while we were there. We connected initially because pretty much everyone else we work with came from the same school, while we were the only ones from our school. When I first started working, I was in a LDR. Around the middle of December, I realized I was starting to have feelings for this guy. After a lot of thought (and tears and heartbreak) I decided to break up with my LD boyfriend.


A few weeks later all of us from work were at a club dancing and he started dancing with me and it ended up with a little kissing. However, I really didn't hear much from him the next week, except for my friend talking to him about what happened that weekend. She wouldn't tell me exactly what he said but she said that we were on the same page about just hooking up and having fun and that she didn't think he was looking for a girlfriend. I realized I liked him a little more than that and decided to cut it off before I got hurt.


The following weekend (this past weekend), I was dancing and having fun when, again, he starts dancing with me. It was pretty late and most of my friends were leaving to catch the metro home. I decided to stay with him bc he lives in the area we were in and I wanted to dance more. Well, we ended up kissing, then he invited me back to his place. I went and I thought things over and decided I was OK with it just being a silly fling. We had fun, but before we went to sleep, he said I was one of the few girls he let sleep in his bed with him. I said oh, should I feel special? He said you are special. We fell asleep cuddling but I didn't think much of it. But when I woke up and turned over to get away from him, he came up and snuggled me from behind. This happened several times, no matter how I turned he always repositioned so he was holding me in some way. He would wake up when I moved, reposition, kiss my forehead, then go back to sleep.


In the morning, we hung out in his bed just chatting and kissing and doing nothing until after noon. When we got up to get ready to leave, he said that was the most time he'd spent with a girl the next day. He gave me a hoodie to wear instead of my dress. He said he would take me to get food if I wore the dress but not if I wore the hoodie (bc I looked ridiculous (I was wearing shorts underneath but you couldn't see them)) I chose to wear the hoodie because I wanted to wear it.


Things weren't really awkward at all, he kissed me goodbye when we got to my place. But he hasn't really messaged me much. I tried to initiate something after I got home but it didn't last long, and he sent me a few short messages yesterday. I'm confused if he likes me more than just FWB because my friend says he's not interested in a relationship and he hasn't really messaged me much .. but he cuddled with me all night and kept kissing my forehead, I feel like guys don't do that if they're not emotionally interested in a girl ... help!


p.s. sorry so long!

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I'm confused if he likes me more than just FWB because my friend says he's not interested in a relationship and he hasn't really messaged me much .. but he cuddled with me all night and kept kissing my forehead, I feel like guys don't do that if they're not emotionally interested in a girl ... help!


The only problem with that is, he hasn't had a chance to judge whether he's emotionally interested. If you're interested in a relationship versus a one night stand, it's a good idea to present yourself as someone who is dating material.

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